by captivate | May 3, 2016 | Podcast
Episode #19 Captivating the Audience and Customer w/ Vocal Variety
Welcome to the show!
The voice is the orchestra of the heart. The words are everything and they are nothing, it’s how we bring them to life that make people feel something.
I’m really excited about the concept I’m going to introduce you to today. Vocal variety. This is one of my all time favorite voice topics and I really love to teach it. Now, we won’t go into all the elements specifically today, but be on the lookout for more individual episode’s where I teach you step by step how to add in each variety element.
People miss variety for a number of reasons. Perception, that they think they are doing it is a big one. Other factors are patterns that get in the way or go to’s relying on the same variety element and thinking your making a big impact when you really are doing the same element over and over.
There are five elements of vocal variety. If you play all of them, you play a full orchestra, the orchestra of the heart for that matter. But, most people just play one, or two or they get a little bit louder on their voice pattern.
The five elements of vocal variety, I’ll teach you today are:
Speed variables
Pace variables and Pitch variables.
I’ll also talk about how to use variety and why it’s so key. More specific details of each element will come in future episodes.
Vocal variety is really important! It’s in the variety that you touch our senses and in turn affect our emotions.
I can’t wait for you take a listen.
Listen Here on Itunes: Episode #20 Captivate the Audience w/ Vocal Variety
Remember, if you would like to get a free voice assessment, don’t hesitate to reach out to
Also, take a look at my new voice course, online, live, coming up in June! I hope you’ll join me so you can learn, step by step how to make a bigger impact with your voice!
Thanks for being here and I’ll see you next week!
Oh, and if you are enjoying the show, I’d love it if you’d take a moment to leave a review, it sure does help me out!
by captivate | Apr 29, 2016 | Podcast
Episode #18 When Speaking Your Truth Becomes a Threat w/ Jean Marrapodi
Welcome to the show!
Today I’ve got the amazing Jean Marrapodi with me! I’ve known Jean for some time now and I think she is so amazingly talented in so many areas. I’m most familiar with her work in higher education. Jean brings so much insight and intelligence to all of her work and really stimulates her students, colleagues and friends to think outside of the box. Jean is incredibly multi-talented and it’s an honor to know her and have her here on the show.
Today, Jean and I talk about speaking your truth. Jean and I are both speaker’s of truth and both know first hand that it can be risky to call things as they truly are.
In today’s show Jean and I talk about some of her most recent experiences in the corporate world.
What happens when you speak your truth and it’s not so well received.
Why it’s crucial to stay steadfast and be clear on what your values are on speaking them when appropriate
We talk about influencers and trends in business and the corporate world and why communication and using your voice is so essential in life and business, no matter what that business looks like.
Plus, so much more!
I know you are going to love hearing from Jean!
You can listen here on Itunes: Episode #19 When Speaking Your Truth Becomes a Threat w/ Jean Marrapodi
If you’d like to find out more about me, you can find me at and make sure and reach out if you’d like to have your voice assessed!
Guest Bio

Jean Marrapodi, PhD, CPLP is a passionate educator and lifelong learner. With 15 plus years in corporate training in banking, retail, printing, non-profits and healthcare, she understands trends and needs in a variety of industries. Trained as a teacher, she taught preschool, special and elementary ed, and spent five years in higher ed, where she led her elearning team to win three national awards in 2014. She is wholeheartedly invested in literacy, volunteering her time in adult education, teaching English and reading to the lowest literacy learners. She is a CPLP, ATD’s highest credential and has a PhD in Adult Education along with a Masters Degree in Online Instructional Deisgn. She is the Chief Learning Architect at Applestar Productions, designing learning and presenting workshops on instructional design, elearning and literacy. You can find out more about Jean at or on Twitter @jmarrapodi
by captivate | Apr 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
Episode #16 Key Elements of Success in Crowdfunding w/ Salvador Briggman
Welcome to the show!
I’m super excited about my guest today. I’m honored to have Sal Briggman with me today of Crowd Crux. Sal is an amazing man who is incredibly knowledgeable in the area of Crowd funding. Sal has his finger right on the pulse of exactly what it takes to get your project funded.
In today’s episode you wll learn all about the mistakes that people make with their campaigns,
Key strategies to ensure success
How voice and communication play a key role in the success of a project being funded
The power of voice in the message through video and podcasting
And more!
Thank you Sal for joining me!
Listen here on Itunes: Episode #17 Key Elements to Crowdfunding Success w/ Salvador Briggman
To find out more about me and my work, make sure and
And don’t forget, you get 25% off all of my courses with the code podcast.
As always, thank you for shares and downloads.
Guest Bio:

Guest Bio
Salvador Briggman founded the popular blog, CrowdCrux which has been cited by the New York Times, The Wallstreet Journal, CNN and more! He helps entrepreneurs raise money on corwdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Last year, Sal helped nearly 400,000 individuals raise money from the crowd through his website, products, newsletter and forum. You can find out more about Sal at
by captivate | Apr 17, 2016 | Podcast
Episode #15 Sounding More Confident w/ Your Voice
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m wrapping up my three part series on soundning more confident with your voice so you can make a bigger impact with your message.
We’ve talked about a lot of key principles and I’m trusting that you are finding them useful. I’d love to hear from you in the comments, how it’s going, where you are still struggling. I’d love to help!
We’ve talked about getting the words out, volume, pace and breathing. In today’s episode I’m talking about one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal, pausing. However, it’s the most vulnerable tool. Pausing is actually in the variety tool box in my world. But, it’s super powerful.
In today’s episode I’ll talk to you about why it’s so powerful, why you try to avoid it…or over use it and how to fix all of that.
Thank you for your downloads and shares. I’m honored to be on the New and Noteworthy list here on Itunes.
Listen here on Itunes: Episode #16
Don’t forget, you get 25% off all of my courses with the code podcast.
To find out more about me or get your free voice assessment, simply to go

by captivate | Apr 15, 2016 | Podcast
Episode #14 Finding Your Voice in Social Media w/ Jen Lehner
Welcome to the show!
You are in for a real treat today. Today I have the honor of talking to social media master Jen Lehner.
I’ve been following Jen for a while and she’s not only brilliant at what she does but just as down to earth as can be.
In today’s episode Jen and I talk about social media, all the new live streaming that’s available and what the future looks like for live streaming.
Jen is also a twitter expert and a LinkedIn expert and we talk about ways to really make an impact on both of those platforms.
Plus, lots more about social media and branding.
Listen on Itunes:
Don’t miss this hour, it’s packed full of golden nuggets of information for any and all small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Want to learn to captivate the room? Make sure you visit
Guest Bio

Jen’s always been up for a great adventure so after leaving North Carolina at the age of 6 she never minded moving around a lot because she always loved change. As an adult, her life has continued to be adventurous living in a number of different places including Charleston, Seattle, Toronto, Myrtle Beach, Mississippi and Cleveland all before her oldest son was 9 years old.
During each of those transitions, Jen used technology to make the most of everything: from the actual move to finding community resources and even arranging playdates for her kids. Jen found herself often in the role of the communications person, building websites, coordinating email campaigns, designing and branding social media marketing strategies. Technology allowed her to put down an anchor no matter where she was.
When Jen’s youngest child started kindergarten, she started using her digital skills, combined with her marketing skills from years of working in non-profits and fundraising to start the Posner Lehner Group, LLC a marketing agency. This decision has allowed Jen the opportunity to work with amazing clients, large and small as a partner and trusted advisor in helping them to solve their marketing challenges. Word spread very quickly and Jen was soon at capacity so she decided to launch This shift enabled Jen to help more clients by offering group training courses online and a limited number of one on one coaching sessions via Skype.
Jen loves to be able to break things down for people in a way that is simple to understand with the goal to help you achieve your goal as quickly and as simply as possible.
You can find out more about Jen at or follow her on twitter @jenergy