by captivate | Apr 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #70 The Voice of a Manager w/ Rodrigo Caetano
Welcome to the show!
I’m so excited about today’s guest. I know, I say that a lot but today’s guest is super special! Today, I’m getting to chat with one of my favorite people on earth planning and strategy expert and former client Rodrigo Caetano.
I loved every minute of the voice journey that I took with Rodrigo and I know you are going to love hearing about it! If you are in management or business you don’t want to miss these great tips in this episode. Or, if you are thinking about the power of your voice and what it might be like to go on a voice journey and step into that power, then this episode is for you!
In today’s episode Rodrigo and I talk about:
Planning and strategy and why things can awry,
The problems managers face,
How crucial communication is to the big picture of running a business or company,
The process of finding your voice and what that means to life and business
And more!
Want to make a bigger impact on your audience? You’ll need your voice! If your ready to start your voice journey and catapult your business, reach out to
Guest Bio

Rodrigo Caetano is an expert on planning and strategy. He is the founder and president of Whiteleaf Consulting, a company dedicated to helping innovators become better managers.
With more than 20 years of professional experience, Rodrigo has gained extensive expertise creating strategic plans in the technology, banking, and telecom industries. In the past, he led several enterprise initiatives with multinational teams from Canada, the United States, Brazil, Peru, Panama, France, the United Kingdom, India and Hong Kong. He truly knows from practical experience what the expression “global village” means.
Rodrigo holds an MBA degree from the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, with specialization in strategic management and accounting. He also earned a B.S. in Computer Science from the Pontifical Catholic University, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is a Certified Project Management Professional from the Project Management Institute in Pennsylvania, USA.
Rodrigo believes in having strong values, working hard, working smart and focusing on delivering value.
Now, he is on a mission to help smart managers to regain control of their projects and get back to achieving results.
You can find out more about Rodrigo and his work at
by captivate | Mar 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #59 Celebrity Voice Tips for Live Stream, Being Conversational
Welcome to the show!
Over the next 7 days, I’m going to be delivering 10-minute episodes that each have a great technique in them to help you really shine like a star in your live streams and videos.
I’ve been coaching TV celebrities for years and I was a professional actor myself. I’m combing my 25 plus years of voice coaching with business leaders and celebrities plus my own experience as a personal actor to bring you the tips that will:
set you apart,
get you ahead of the competition,
having you presenting with confidence and ease,
getting people into your live’s and keeping them there.
In today’s tip you’ll learn about:
How to talk to use like you know us,
How to build a connection with us quick,
How to keep us with you and
Tap into your passion right from the start!
To find out more about the Celebrity Voice Live Stream Course click here:
by captivate | Mar 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #58 What Do People Hear in Your Voice?
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m talking about all the things people hear in your voice. I’m not even talking about technical voice elements like pitch and volume, I’m talking about the decisions they are making about you based on the whole lot of it!
Research has been done on this topic and it’s really fascinating. From the first moment you speak, people are making decisions about you, everything about you including whether or not they are going to work with you!
I think you are going to love this episode!
Make sure you sign up for the Live Stream Voice Impact Challenge coming up. My new Live Stream voice impact course is coming out on the 15th so make sure you check that out too!
It’s time for you to do live stream and video if you aren’t and if you are, let’s make sure you are making a massive impact with your voice and captivating your customer from your very first word!
You can find out more here
by captivate | Feb 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #52 When Your Voice is Strong and Being Taken the Wrong Way
Welcome to the show!
I’m really thrilled about this episode because it was inspired by a listener’s question. I really love it when I get questions because I’m all about helping you with your particular voice issues.
Today, we are talking about an issue that is a little different than what I’m usually covering so it’s great to address.
What happens when your voice is strong and people don’t like it, are offended by it, think you are too abrupt?
In today’s episode you’ll learn valuable information about:
What to do if your voice is offending others,
What to do if you are being misinterpreted because of the tone of your voice,
What to do about what other’s think about your voice,
The exact reasons people may be thinking what they are thinking,
What to do to fix the issue of being misinterpreted because of your voice.
Take a listen to Episode #55 on Itunes
Take a listen to Episode #55 on Google play
Want to make a bigger impact with your voice? I hope you’ll get on the list to join my new online voice program starting in March!
by captivate | Feb 14, 2017 | Uncategorized

Episode #51 The Voice is Like a Pendulum, Stop Swinging!
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m talking about the voice and how it’s like a pendulum.
Take a listen to Episode #53 here on Itunes
Take a listen to Episode #53 here on Google play
Over the last 25 years, as I’ve been coaching voices, I’ve seen this time and time again.
We tend to swing one way and then the other. We are loud and someone criticizes us so we swing to quiet. That’s just one example of what we do with our voice and how we swing.
It’s essential that we stop the swinging and find the balance. I talk about this a little bit in my episode on core 5 but today, I’m stopping the madness.
Find the balance on all fronts and really step into what true voice power is!
Want to learn how to make a bigger impact with your voice? Join me for my upcoming live training workshop online Voice Technique for Video, Webinar and Podcast Success. You can sign up here: Get valuable technique to make a bigger impact with your voice and catapult your business!