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Episode #41 The Voice Elements You Need to Captivate the Room

Episode #41 The Voice Elements You Need to Captivate the Room

Welcome to the show!

In today’s episode, I’m talking about what you need to have in place to captivate the room with your voice.  A lot of people realize that they don’t captivate the room and quite a few more know they want to, but do you know the exact issues that are keeping you from captivating?

In today’s episode, I’m going to give you the list of what you need, from a vocal perspective, to captivate the audience whether it’s live or online.

To captivate the room, touch our senses and in turn effect our emotions to make you connection your voice needs to:

Be solid and not airy,

Be connected and grounded,

Be connected to the breath,

Be free of patterns and go to’s,

Be full of the five elements of variety,

Be regulated so you are in control,

And more!  Find out what you need and check to see what’s missing on today’s episode.

Take a listen to Episode #43 here on Itunes:

Take a listen to Episode #43 here on Google Play:

Want to captivate the audience every time?  Let’s get you ready for 2017!

Email and learn more about my online programs and live one on one, life changing coaching.

Episode #40 What is a Solid Voice and How do You Get One?

Episode #40 What is a Solid Voice and How do You Get One?

Episode #40 What is a Solid Voice and How Do You Get One?

Welcome to the show!

Today I’m talking about solid voice.  Okay, you might not have heard that term before but it’s a big one for me when I assess voices.  I immediately can tell if you sound solid or not.  If you don’t sound solid, you are going to have a harder time making an impact on us, captivating us.

Today I talk about what a solid voice is, 

the difference between solid and not,

what makes a solid voice and more!

This is a great show for you to determine if your voice is solid or not before you head into 2017!

Listen to Episode #42 Below:

Take a listen here on Itunes:

Take a listen here on Google Play:

Make sure you get your voice ready for 2017 so you can have a voice that makes people listen!  Start by sending your voice recording in for a FREE assessment to

Don’t miss out on my end of the year super deal on my private coaching!  2 FREE voice coaching sessions with the purchase of a package of 4.  Get in on this before December 20th before my rates go up!  Email 

Episode #39 Vocal Variety: Why It’s so Essential to Captivating the Audience

Episode #39 Why Vocal Variety is Essential to Captivate the Audience

Welcome to the show!

Today I’m talking a little more about vocal variety.  Vocal variety is the sounds that create the orchestra.  You want a full orchestra when you speak, not just a one instrument band.  Variety is the tool that touches our senses and in turn affects our emotions.  There are five elements of variety and it’s essential that you use all five for a number of reasons.

In this episode I’ll teach you why vocal variety is so essential to keeping the attention of your audience, hooking them, connecting with them and ultimately making new customers.

Take a listen here on Itunes:

Take a listen here on Google Play:

Make sure you get your FREE voice assessment done before the end of the year.  Just email me at

To learn more about stepping into the power of your voice visit

Episode #38 Vocal Variety and What’s Getting in the Way of You Making an Impact

Episode #38 Vocal Variety and What’s Getting in the Way of You Making an Impact

Episode #38 Vocal Variety and What’s Getting in the Way of You Making an Impact

Welcome to the show!

Today I’m talking about what is getting in the way of your making an impact with vocal variety. There are a number of reasons you aren’t making an impact with vocal variety. Variety is key to making a big impact and you must have it to touch our senses which in turn affect our emotions. It’s crucial!

In this episode, I’ll tell you exactly what is getting in your way of making an impact and why your vocal variety is not making it through to us.

There are five elements of vocal variety, most people use one or two of them and then wonder why they aren’t making an impact. It’s key to use all five elements of variety.

Take a listen to the show here on Itunes:


If you want to get your voice ready for 2017, don’t hesitate and reach out today!



Episode #37 Voice Barriers and How They Are Hurting Your Sales and Your Business

Episode #37 Voice Barriers and How They Are Hurting Your Sales and Your Business

Episode #37 Voice Barriers and How They Are Your Hurting Your Sales and Your Business

Welcome to the show!

Today I’m talking about voice barriers. I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of them but they are really getting in the way of your business, your sales, your success!

Voice barriers are the invisible barriers that go between you and your customer or audience or students. Barriers are created through the tone of the voice, the quality of the voice, the variety or lack thereof and so much more. We hear the frustration, the anger, the desperation if it’s laid into the voice.

Voice barriers have to go because they can be exactly what is costing you sales. I’m always fascinated when I work with people and when I ask them to do a sales pitch everything in their voice changes, EVERYTHING.

Don’t let voice barriers get in the way of your success, learn how to get rid of them!

Make sure you visit and get your free voice assessment before the end of the year. Head into 2017 ready to make a big impact, sound confident and have a voice that makes people listen.

Take a listen on Itunes here:

Take a listen on Google Play here:  

Episode #36 Indirect and Direct Communication, Knowledge is Power

Episode #36 Indirect and Direct Communication, Knowledge is Power

Episode #36 Indirect and Direct Communication, Knowledge is Power

Welcome to the show!

Today I’m switching gears in anticipation of my upcoming 5 day challenge in Effective Communication.  Most of you know me for my voice work, where I put my primary focus.  However, I have a Masters in Corporate Communications and have taught numerous workshops and classes on effective communication strategies.  Actually, my effective communication work is my most popular.  I tend to roll it out around the holidays and a few other times of year.

I’ll be doing a series of episodes on effective communication, starting with today’s episode on direct and indirect communication.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

What indirect and direct communication are,

How to determine your dominant communication style,

Why it’s important to know the communication style of others,

How to shift between styles, when and why and More!

Take a Listen on Itunes here:

Take a Listen on Google Play here:

Want to take the 5 Day Interpersonal/Effective Communication Challenge?  You can sign up here and we’ll let you know just as soon as we are set to go.  Just in time for the holidays!


