by captivate | May 24, 2016 | Podcast
Episode #25 Making Magic in Your Business w/ Your Strengths and Stories w/ Christian Marie Herron
Welcome to the show!
In today’s episode I’m talking with intuitive business coach Christian Marie Herron and I’m thrilled for you to hear this conversation. Christian is not only an amazing intuitive and business coach but she has a keen ability to cull stories like no one I’ve ever met.
In today’s episode Christian and I talk about:
*What intuitive business coaching is and how it differs
*The natural gifts people have and hide or can’t even seem to find
*The power of stories
*The role of vulnerability and voice in stories
*What it’s like being an introvert and managing being seen and so much MORE!
I can’t wait for you to meet this beautiful soul!
Take a listen here on Itunes:
AND on Google Play:
If you want to get the FREE voice formula so you can make a bigger impact with your voice, just visit me at For your free voice assessment, email me at

Guest Bio
Christian Marie Herron is an Intuitive Success Coach who helps entrepreneurs translate the magic of their life experience into a business that showcases their natural gifts so they can grow their business from a highly aligned, intiutive place. You can find out more about Christian
To join Christian’s magical Facebook group:
by captivate | May 17, 2016 | Podcast
Episode #24 Communication, Voice and Leadership w/ Robert Kennedy III
Welcome to the show!
I’m so delighted to have Robert Kennedy III on the show today. I just think the world of Robert and he really knows his stuff when it comes to making great leaders. Robert has a keen understanding of the role of voice and communication in leadership.
In today’s episode Robert and I talk about key elements necessary to be a great leader,
Where people often miss the mark when it comes to leading others,
The importance of communication in leadership,
Ways people fall short in communicating with others and themselves,
Strategies he uses to help leaders communicate better,
Communication style and knowing how to communicate with others and so much MORE!
Listen here on Itunes:
Listen on Google Play:
If you’d like to find out more about your voice and get your free voice assesment just visit

Guest Bio
Robert Kennedy III is known as a people builder who inspires people to be better and to help leaders build better people. Robert helps managers and organizational leaders find the touch points to motivate their employees, increase their own personal performance and create more impacting and purposeful leadership through communication. Some of his workshops, including “Leading with Purpose” and “Built to Make a Difference”, dive into the personal leadership tools we all possess in order to create Maximum Impact. As a result, his clients are able to build teams that work together more purposefully, more powerfully and more profitably.
Robert helps organizations through keynote speaking, small group coaching and consulting, workshops and training development.
His background as a teacher, trainer, organizational leader and business owner help him to sit squarely in the seats of his clients and create a greater understanding of how to proceed through current challenges.
You can find Robert on LinkedIn at:
And his website at:
by captivate | May 17, 2016 | Podcast
Episode #23 8 Techniques for Making a Bigger Impact w/ Your Voice Behind the Mic
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m doing a bit of a top 10 list, even though I’m only giving you 8 tips!
Video is so everything right now and with the overall movement of video, live streaming, online courses, podcasting and beyond, I thought I’d give a few tips that are especially key for those getting behind the mic.
Now, these tips are great for live speaking and conversation but are specifically geared to behind the mic in one form or another.
What I’ve found over the years is that people, even people who are okay presenting live, tend to stumble a little bit when they go live or get behind the mic or on camera. That’s normal because, well, what your doing is not the norm and there are some major pitfalls that you don’t have to deal with when you are speaking and talking live.
In this episode I’ll give you some tips for dealing with some of the most challenging…now, these are all voice tips. While being on camera is as second nature to me as real life, these tips don’t cover body and movement on camera. I’ll do a specific episode for on camera technique, but for now, start applying some of the voice strategies you learn today.
In this episode I’ll cover things like:
Bringing the words to life
Vocal Variety
Scripts and more.
In addition to talking about the central problem, I’ll give you some tips to fix these issues so you increase your following and your success and of course, your revenue.
Take a listen here on ITunes: Episode #24 8 Techniques for a Bigger Impact Behind the Mic
If you’d like to have your voice assessed or learn how to really use your voice for impact, make sure you visit me at
by captivate | May 12, 2016 | Podcast
Episode #22 Business and Parenting How Communication and Voice are Key to Both w/ January Tan
Welcome to the show!
Today I am honored and delighted to have the incredible business savvy woman January Tan on the show. January specializes in passion and business and as a voice coach, that’s right up my alley. I am frequently asked how to create that passion from a voice perspective and January is a master at tapping into that passion in your business and in creating your message.
Today in the show January and I talk about the voice and how key it is in the role of business and mom,
We talk about the different ways we communicate in social media and how to do so authentically,
January and I talk about passion, a lot and why it’s so crucial to tap into yours for the success of your business.
Today we cover all of that and more!
And of course we spend some quality time talking about ways she helps her customers find passion.
If you want to find out how to tap into your passion from a true “passionpreneur” then you don’t want to miss this episode!
Take a listen here on Itunes: Episode #23 Business and Parenting How Communication and Voice are Key to Both w/January Tan
Make sure you check out the new website, January Tan built it for me and I must say it is gorgeous! Take a look at

Guest Bio
January Tan is the founder of She helps people identify their passion, monetize it and launch a purpose drive business using modern digital marketing strategies that are smart+fun+easy.
January has created two businesses while homeschooling her son: a 6-figure wedding planning business with over 700 dream clients from all over the world including the USA, UK, Candada, Australia, Paris, Switzerland, Japan and Germany and was awarded Top Wedding Planner. She is also the youngest female real estate deeloper accredited by her city’s leading bank.
You can find out more about January at
by captivate | May 5, 2016 | Podcast
Episode #20 Times Have Changed, Making Business Connections Through Video w/ Scott Scowcroft
Welcome to the show!
Today I have the absolute honor to introduce you to Scott Scowcroft. I have admired Scott’s work from afar for some time and am really excited to have him on the show. Scott is a video making master and he’s a really awesome guy! Scott re-invented himself a little bit and as a part of that process, he created something called the “Scott Treatment” which is proving to be a great asset to entrepreneurs and business owners. Anyone who wants to up their game and keep up with the quick changes occurring all around us could benefit from Scott’s work and the visibility, interest and income! Hmmm, seems like I’ve mentioned how crucial it is for you to be doing video before.
In today’s episode Scott and I talk about how times have changed and how crucial video is to the success of all types of businesses, all entrepreneurs and anyone who wants to sell anything or get their message out for big impact.
In today’s episode we talk a lot about the power of video and why it’s so important today.
We talk about people’s fears about getting on camera and ways to overcome those fears.
We discuss the changing landscape of online education thanks to video.
What the “Scott Treatment” really is and so much more!
Take a listen here on Itunes: Episode #21 Times Have Changed, Making Biz Connections Through Video w/Scott Scowcroft
If you are ready to make a bigger impact with your voice, make sure you take a look at my deep dive into making an impact with your voice live and on camera course. You can find out more here:
Guest Bio

Scott Scowcroft brands himself as the reluctant entrepreneur who never looked back. After over 30 years in broadcasting and marketing, he found himself jobless in Seattle but saved by technology that brought video production and distribution within reach of anyone who has a camera, microphone and access to the internet. Through what has become known as “The Scott Treatment,” he now helps entrepreneurs, small businesses and others to leverage the power of video into online engagement, marketing and sales.
I highly encourage everyone to get moving on working with Scott! You can find out more about Scott at:
by captivate | May 3, 2016 | Podcast
Episode #19 Captivating the Audience and Customer w/ Vocal Variety
Welcome to the show!
The voice is the orchestra of the heart. The words are everything and they are nothing, it’s how we bring them to life that make people feel something.
I’m really excited about the concept I’m going to introduce you to today. Vocal variety. This is one of my all time favorite voice topics and I really love to teach it. Now, we won’t go into all the elements specifically today, but be on the lookout for more individual episode’s where I teach you step by step how to add in each variety element.
People miss variety for a number of reasons. Perception, that they think they are doing it is a big one. Other factors are patterns that get in the way or go to’s relying on the same variety element and thinking your making a big impact when you really are doing the same element over and over.
There are five elements of vocal variety. If you play all of them, you play a full orchestra, the orchestra of the heart for that matter. But, most people just play one, or two or they get a little bit louder on their voice pattern.
The five elements of vocal variety, I’ll teach you today are:
Speed variables
Pace variables and Pitch variables.
I’ll also talk about how to use variety and why it’s so key. More specific details of each element will come in future episodes.
Vocal variety is really important! It’s in the variety that you touch our senses and in turn affect our emotions.
I can’t wait for you take a listen.
Listen Here on Itunes: Episode #20 Captivate the Audience w/ Vocal Variety
Remember, if you would like to get a free voice assessment, don’t hesitate to reach out to
Also, take a look at my new voice course, online, live, coming up in June! I hope you’ll join me so you can learn, step by step how to make a bigger impact with your voice!
Thanks for being here and I’ll see you next week!
Oh, and if you are enjoying the show, I’d love it if you’d take a moment to leave a review, it sure does help me out!