by captivate | May 29, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #75 Changing Your Voice Story, Changing Your Success
Welcome to the podcast!
Today I’m talking about the psychology of the voice story and how it is your core problem.
The more I work with the voice story the more I see just how much it is trying to control the voice that you put out into the world.
I’ve seen this for years, 25 plus to be exact and it’s clearly the core problem when it comes to what you put out.
It’s just not possible to deliver a voice that is different than what you’ve laid into your muscle memory, what you’ve laid in is from your psychology of the voice story.
The story has to be changed and a new one put into the muscle memory if you want to change things for good. The goal is that you never have to “think” about what you are going to do with your voice to captivate the room and compel the audience to take the action you want.
The goal is that every time you open your mouth your sound flows out with ease and you sound captivating and compelling. Changing the voice story and putting in a new layer of muscle memory will make that happen and it’s easier than you think!
Find out more about your voice story and how you can change it in today’s episode.
Want to hear more about what your voice barriers are? I can tell you exactly what they are, just go over to to find out more!
by captivate | May 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #74 Captivate the Room w/ Bold Voice Choices
Welcome to the show!
I’m really excited about today’s episode because it’s all about pushing you out of your voice box (no pun intended) and into bold choices.
So many times people come to me and they say, “I don’t sound captivating”. I hear you!
What we work on is getting out of the small and limiting voice box they are working in because of fear or their psychology of the voice story or even their perception. People also work in this box because of perfectionism and wanting to get the words just right, in fact relying on the words can cause this to happen as well.
If we want to captivate the audience we have to learn to make bold choices and commit to them!
In this episode, I’ll talk about bold choices,
What they are,
How to make them and how to commit to them.
Once you commit to choices that are bold, exciting and outside of the box your world will begin to change!
If you want to get some great voice tips, make sure you get the Voice Formula, it’s free and you can find it on my website at
by captivate | May 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #73 The Sounds We Hear Are Hurting Your Success
That’s right, that’s what I said. Welcome to the show!
I’m glad you are here because I want to share with you the difference between what you think you are putting out and how it’s being received.
In your head, you may sound great or maybe you know you aren’t sounding as great as you could. But, did you know that different sounds can actually give entirely different meanings?
In today’s episode, I’m going to give you some information that will really inspire you to take action on these things you are learning here with me. Because, the very sound that you are delivering, the sound that is laid into your psychology of the voice, is hurting your business because it’s saying things to the customer that are not true or might not be true.
Example: if you are quiet, you have no passion. Well, I don’t know about you but I’ve known plenty of passionate people that are quiet, but the customer could easily think you aren’t passionate enough about your work to take on their job.
The voice is the tool, like we talked about last week, that will make us feel something. I usually talk about the good it makes us feel but this is not so good.
I think you will really love this episode.
Also, don’t forget, if you haven’t signed up for the podcast voice challenge it starts next week. You can sign up right here:
Look forward to seeing you in the challenge! And hey, even if you aren’t planning on having a podcast, the voice technique I’m teaching is pretty cool and will work anywhere.
by captivate | May 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #72 The Voice, Not the Words Will Create Connection, Compel and Convert
Welcome to the show!
This may be one of my favorite and most important episodes! I continue to see business leaders and entrepreneurs not get where they want to go, not compel, not create connections, not convert sales and it’s ALWAYS because they are putting the value on the words. If you are up in your head thinking about the words, if you are focused on the words and getting them out correctly, you can’t make me feel anything.
This episode is all about the problem in giving all the power to the words and how you need to pull away from it. The voice is what will make us feel, the vocal variety, what you do with your voice.
Don’t miss this episode, it’s a game changer!
Want to make a bigger impact with your voice? I can help.
by captivate | Apr 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #70 The Voice of a Manager w/ Rodrigo Caetano
Welcome to the show!
I’m so excited about today’s guest. I know, I say that a lot but today’s guest is super special! Today, I’m getting to chat with one of my favorite people on earth planning and strategy expert and former client Rodrigo Caetano.
I loved every minute of the voice journey that I took with Rodrigo and I know you are going to love hearing about it! If you are in management or business you don’t want to miss these great tips in this episode. Or, if you are thinking about the power of your voice and what it might be like to go on a voice journey and step into that power, then this episode is for you!
In today’s episode Rodrigo and I talk about:
Planning and strategy and why things can awry,
The problems managers face,
How crucial communication is to the big picture of running a business or company,
The process of finding your voice and what that means to life and business
And more!
Want to make a bigger impact on your audience? You’ll need your voice! If your ready to start your voice journey and catapult your business, reach out to
Guest Bio

Rodrigo Caetano is an expert on planning and strategy. He is the founder and president of Whiteleaf Consulting, a company dedicated to helping innovators become better managers.
With more than 20 years of professional experience, Rodrigo has gained extensive expertise creating strategic plans in the technology, banking, and telecom industries. In the past, he led several enterprise initiatives with multinational teams from Canada, the United States, Brazil, Peru, Panama, France, the United Kingdom, India and Hong Kong. He truly knows from practical experience what the expression “global village” means.
Rodrigo holds an MBA degree from the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, with specialization in strategic management and accounting. He also earned a B.S. in Computer Science from the Pontifical Catholic University, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is a Certified Project Management Professional from the Project Management Institute in Pennsylvania, USA.
Rodrigo believes in having strong values, working hard, working smart and focusing on delivering value.
Now, he is on a mission to help smart managers to regain control of their projects and get back to achieving results.
You can find out more about Rodrigo and his work at