by captivate | Nov 8, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #97 The Watershed Moment, It’s Time to Use Your Voice
Welcome to the show. Today is going to be a little bit different than previous episodes. Today I’m talking about Harvey Weinstein and the implosion that is happening all over the world, not just Hollywood in relation to people using their voice.
Now more than ever it’s time to use your voice and I want to tell you all the reasons why,
Give you a few action steps to get you using your voice,
And of course, tons of encouragement to get out there and speak your truth, beautifully.
I think you’ll really enjoy today’s episode and if you are reluctant to speak your truth or don’t feel like you do it beautifully, then get in touch because I’d like to help.
Here is the link to the Oprah interview:
by captivate | Oct 29, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #96 Inside Out Leadership and Voice w/ Robb Holman
Welcome to the show!
Today you are in for a treat. I’m taking a break from my series on Effective Communication to share with you an amazing interview that I recently had the pleasure of doing.
With me on the show, today is Robb Holman and we had an extraordinary conversation both on record and off. Robb’s leadership philosophy and work line up so nicely with the voice work I do and I know you are going to love hearing from him. Talk about vocal energy!
Today Robb and I talk about:
Why voice is key in leadership,
What it means to be inside out,
Why it’s essential that we work on the inside to succeed on the outside,
And so much more!
If you are interested in getting your voice ready for 2018 so you can speak your truth beautifully, please reach out. I’d love to hear where your challenges are so I can do episodes just for you.

Guest Bio
Robb Holman is an internationally recognized leadership expert, executive coach, keynote speaker, and author who has a heart for authentic relationships and a true talent for equipping people with the skills and the knowledge necessary for their success.
With passion and exuberance, Robb’s dynamic teaching style has successfully led countless business owners, executives, and leaders through his exclusive and proprietary method of Inside Out Leadership™ Coaching. In helping his clients learn how to connect with their unique life’s purpose, they are finding success in a way they never expected – from the inside out!
As a lifelong serial entrepreneur, Robb has founded numerous, highly influential organizations, both for-profit, as well as non-profit. His current endeavor is as founder and CEO of Holman International, a global leadership consultancy revolutionizing the way business leaders operate. Robb lives in West Chester, PA with his wife, Karen, and their three children, RJ, Kayla, and Zach. Fun fact: Robb used to be a professional basketball player!
Connect with Robb: • Personal Website:
•Lead the Way Book Website:
• Twitter: @robbholman
by captivate | Oct 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #95 Noise and How It’s Getting in the Way of Your Communication Success
Welcome to the show!
I love this episode so much because it’s chock full of all the noise elements that are getting in the way of your communication success. When we think of noise we think of, well…noise! But, today I’m talking about the noise that often times is in your head or unspoken and it’s wrecking your ability to speak your truth beautifully.
Noise can be hierachy, semantics, assumptions, expectations and more!
Today I’ll talk about the different types of noise, how they get in your way of being an effective communicator at home and work and how to think and speak differently.
Ready to speak your truth beautifully by reclaiming your real voice? I can show you how! Don’t forget to join the 5-day Effective Communication Challenge, last call…sign up here:
by captivate | Sep 30, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #94 How Your Tone of Voice is Hurting or Helping You
Welcome to the show!
WOW!!! 100 Episodes! I could not have done this without your support. Thank you so much for being a listener, a subscriber, a downloader and a reviewer!
I love this show and I’m so grateful for your support.
Today on episode 100 I’m talking about a topic that is really close to my heart. I’m very sensitive to the tone of voice people speak to me and others with. Tone makes a big impact on most of the people you communicate within your business and personal life. Tone speaks volumes!
The thing about tone is that it can really help create your success or really hinder it. The unfortunate part is that tone of voice is hurting too many people in their communication with others ultimately slowing their connections and success. Just like non-verbals, we use tone because we struggle to say what we need to say, struggle to really express our emotions so we rely on letting those emotions out in our tone rather than just using the proper words. But the tone of voice you use can literally wreck your business and personal relationships.
I’m still on the effective communication and voice series, your tone of voice is an obvious part of it.
Today I’ll be talking about why and how your tone of voice can create problems for you and what you need to do to change your tone. I think you’re going to really love this episode and this one you might definitely want to share with others so they can check their tone!
I think you’re going to really love this episode and this one you might definitely want to share with others so they can check their tone!
Remember, for being a podcast listener, I’m happy to offer you a full voice assessment, just email me and mention the show.
Also, don’t forget to go to the website and sign up for the 5 Day Reclaim Your Real Voice and Communicate More Effectively Challenge. Sign up right here:
Thank you again for being a listener.
by captivate | Sep 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #93 Using Words to Wound or Empower
Welcome to the show!
As you know from the last episode I’m doing a brief series on voice and effective communication, two key elements to your success in business and life.
Today we are talking about words and how you use them. I believe that words can do one of two things, wound or empower.
In today’s episode, I’ll talk about how we use words,
Why we struggle to find the words and speaking our truth,
The benefits of using words in an empowering way,
The problem with using words to wound others and why it just doesn’t work,
And More!
I’d love you to join my 5-Day Reclaim Your Voice and Communication Challenge
You can sign up right here:
I’m looking forward to helping you reclaim your real voice and speak your truth beautifully!