by captivate | Feb 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #52 When Your Voice is Strong and Being Taken the Wrong Way
Welcome to the show!
I’m really thrilled about this episode because it was inspired by a listener’s question. I really love it when I get questions because I’m all about helping you with your particular voice issues.
Today, we are talking about an issue that is a little different than what I’m usually covering so it’s great to address.
What happens when your voice is strong and people don’t like it, are offended by it, think you are too abrupt?
In today’s episode you’ll learn valuable information about:
What to do if your voice is offending others,
What to do if you are being misinterpreted because of the tone of your voice,
What to do about what other’s think about your voice,
The exact reasons people may be thinking what they are thinking,
What to do to fix the issue of being misinterpreted because of your voice.
Take a listen to Episode #55 on Itunes
Take a listen to Episode #55 on Google play
Want to make a bigger impact with your voice? I hope you’ll get on the list to join my new online voice program starting in March!
by captivate | Feb 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #53 Captivating the Room w/ NYC Casting Director Barbara Barna Abel
Welcome to the show!
I’m so excited about this episode because I just adore my guest today. Don’t miss a minute of this episode because it is packed with fantastic nuggets of voice and speaking advice not just for actors but for speakers and business leaders.
I’ve been following Barbara’s work for some time and I really resonate with the way she teaches and her training and philosophies of what it takes to captivate the room. Barbara is a casting director but she also works with entrepreneurs and business leaders to help them captivate the room in speeches, presentations and in media appearances and video. She’s a seasoned veteran in the field of television and knows what it takes to make an impact on the audience. Today, she is generously sharing her wealth of information with you!
In today’s episode here are a few things you’ll learn about:
What’s important in casting and captivating an audience,
Why it’s so crucial to be the best version of you,
What it takes to make an impact on an audience,
Ways to get better at speaking,
Why it’s essential to relax and more!
You can find out more information about Barbara below. Be on the lookout for her new book, due out in March, it sounds like a fantastic read and not just for actors! The book is: How To Get Your Foot In The Door: Television Hosting and Presenting and will be available on Amazon or Barbara’s website Make sure you read more about Barbara and her offerings below.
Take a listen to Episode #54 here on iTunes:
Take a listen to Episode #54 here on Google play:
Want to make a bigger impact with your voice? I’ll show you how!
Make sure you check out my free training’s and challenge coming up on sounding better in video and podcast.
Guest Bio

Barbara has an eye for talent whether she’s casting or bringing out someone’s best as an on-camera coach and media trainer.
Barbara believes passionately that everyone has a story to tell and is committed to helping clients find their authentic voice. Her clients include television networks, PR firms, athletes, models, celebrity chefs, business executives and young creatives.
As a casting director, Barbara has worked on over 100 unscripted/alternative projects since launching her business in 2001 and among the talent she discovered or gave early breaks to: Adam Richman, Amy Schumer, Bert Kreischer, Carson Kressley, Chrissie Teigen, Clinton Kelly, Jake Tapper, Jeff Probst, Ted Allen, Thom Felicia, Wayne Brady…
Barbara started in entertainment as music director of her college radio station (KSPC, Claremont, CA) and making tea for powerhouse ‘80s musical acts like Culture Club and Human League as the first college intern for Virgin Records UK.
After stints in music management, Barbara gained her comedy chops at APA in Los Angeles working the phones for the legendary and visionary Marty Klein before merging her backgrounds in music and talent at VH1 where she ran the Talent Development department in New York for several years.
Outside of the office, Barbara has raised funds to start five banks through FINCA’s Village Banking program and is a New York City High School mentor with iMentor.
Barbara teaches classes in NYC but is also available for coaching via Skype. You can find out more about her and her work at
Find Barbara on Twitter @BarbaraBarna
Get Barbara’s E-book 12 Tips for Success on Camera here:
by captivate | Feb 14, 2017 | Uncategorized

Episode #51 The Voice is Like a Pendulum, Stop Swinging!
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m talking about the voice and how it’s like a pendulum.
Take a listen to Episode #53 here on Itunes
Take a listen to Episode #53 here on Google play
Over the last 25 years, as I’ve been coaching voices, I’ve seen this time and time again.
We tend to swing one way and then the other. We are loud and someone criticizes us so we swing to quiet. That’s just one example of what we do with our voice and how we swing.
It’s essential that we stop the swinging and find the balance. I talk about this a little bit in my episode on core 5 but today, I’m stopping the madness.
Find the balance on all fronts and really step into what true voice power is!
Want to learn how to make a bigger impact with your voice? Join me for my upcoming live training workshop online Voice Technique for Video, Webinar and Podcast Success. You can sign up here: Get valuable technique to make a bigger impact with your voice and catapult your business!
by captivate | Feb 8, 2017 | Uncategorized

Episode #49 Voice and Business Strategy w/ Mari Geasair
Welcome to the show!
Today I’ve got an amazing guest on the show, Mari Geasair. Mari is an amazing woman who really knows how to help solopreneurs and freelancers. But, she’s also got an incredible voice story that I just know you are going to love. I had so much fun doing this interview and I know you’ll have fun listening to it!
In this episode, Mari drops tons of value nuggets as we talk about:
Key strategies for success as a solopreneur or freelancer,
Video and why it’s so important,
Costly mistakes and how to avoid them, and more!
What happened to Mari’s voice and what valuable lesson’s she learned from the experience, how she had to create a strategy for her voice and more!
Get ready to learn some seriously valuable insight on how to make your business strategy be the key to your success.
Take a listen to Episode #51 on Itunes
Take a listen to Episode #51 on Google play
Want to make a bigger impact with your voice? Speak with confidence? Finally be able to say what you long to say and speak it beautifully? I can help!
Don’t miss my live online training, Voice Technique for Video, Webinar and Podcast Success 2/20 5pm PST

Guest Bio
Mari Geasair specializes in helping solopreneuers and freelancers live their dreams with less stress. She is a small business strategist teacher, and trainer who primarily works with service-based professionals. Mari is passionate about helping self-employed seekers such as designers, artist, coaches, authors, consultants, therapists, trainers, healers and other lifestyle professionals find a faster and easier path to achieving their dreams.
Mari brings significant real-world experience, knowledge and a lighthearted approach to her work. She is a veteran solopreneur herself, having been successfully self-employed for over 25 years. In addition, she has worked individually and as a group facilitator and expert instructor with thousands of solopreneurs in dozens of different professions.
Here is where you can find Mari and I encourage you to reach out to her, she really knows her stuff!
Twitter: @coachmarig
My LinkedIn Profile is
by captivate | Feb 1, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #47 Regulate Your Voice, Control the Room!
Welcome to the show!
I’m really excited about this episode because this is the icing on your cake. We’ve spent a lot of time on foundation elements in previous podcasts like getting the sound out clearly, breathing and patterns. But today, we get to the really fun stuff. Bringing the words to life with your voice!
When you regulate your voice you become the conductor of the vocal orchestra. You decide when you are rolling in each of the 5 elements of variety and as you control your voice, you control how the orchestra is played and in turn, captivate and touch our emotions through your unpredictability.
So many people have been working on this with me lately and it’s really THE game changer that catapult’s your success.
Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear from you and help you with your voice so you make a HUGE impact in 2017!
Take a Listen to Episode #49 here on Itunes:
Take a Listen to Episode #49 here on Google Play: