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Episode #36 Indirect and Direct Communication, Knowledge is Power

Episode #36 Indirect and Direct Communication, Knowledge is Power

Episode #36 Indirect and Direct Communication, Knowledge is Power

Welcome to the show!

Today I’m switching gears in anticipation of my upcoming 5 day challenge in Effective Communication.  Most of you know me for my voice work, where I put my primary focus.  However, I have a Masters in Corporate Communications and have taught numerous workshops and classes on effective communication strategies.  Actually, my effective communication work is my most popular.  I tend to roll it out around the holidays and a few other times of year.

I’ll be doing a series of episodes on effective communication, starting with today’s episode on direct and indirect communication.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

What indirect and direct communication are,

How to determine your dominant communication style,

Why it’s important to know the communication style of others,

How to shift between styles, when and why and More!

Take a Listen on Itunes here:

Take a Listen on Google Play here:

Want to take the 5 Day Interpersonal/Effective Communication Challenge?  You can sign up here and we’ll let you know just as soon as we are set to go.  Just in time for the holidays!


