by captivate | Dec 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #102 How to Speak so Your Message is Clear
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m talking about the phrase you’ve heard me use a lot, “We Don’t Know What You Know”.
A mistake I see people make far too often is not clearly present in words or voice their message.
You are the expert and often times you forget we aren’t.
Even if we are in the same industry as you, we don’t know what you know.
In today’s episode, I’m breaking down what you need to do so that your message is clear. We want a clear message because that’s how people will stay with us and not check out. In order to compel people to take action, we have to make our message clear in such a way that they can follow it. If we can’t follow you, chances are good you won’t captivate us.
Are you ready to speak your truth and use your voice to captivate, connect and compel in 2018? If not, then let’s talk. Reach out to
by captivate | Dec 1, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #100 Responding w/ Your Voice Not Reacting, Job Interview Series 2/3
Welcome to the show.
Today I have the second installment of our series on voice for job interviews. Now, these shows are directed to voice for job interviews but honestly, these voice techniques will work in every area of your life.
Today we are talking about what happens to your voice when you respond vs. when you react.
Certain voice elements like fast and loud can present you in a way that makes you sound like your reacting. What we want is for you to respond.
Responding is more conversational, it’s more mindful, it’s more thoughtful.
In addition to loud and fast, not listening, not breathing, not pausing and simply just regurgitating words will also make it sound like your reacting.
You’ll find out all about it in today’s episode.
Want to join my FREE live training workshop Transform Your Voice? It’s Wed. 12/13 at 12:00 p.m. PST. You can sign up here:
It’s okay if it’s not in the right time zone, I’ll send out a replay link for you.
If you are interested in getting a jump on your voice for 2018 (which I highly encourage) you might like to attend one of my 3-hour workshops, all online, in December. You can find out more about them here:
Transform Your Voice 3-Hour Workshop:
Transform Your Voice on Camera 3-Hour Workshop:
Thanks for being a listener!
by captivate | Dec 1, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #88 Creating Connection w/ Your Voice Job Interview Series 1/3
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m starting a short series that is primarily directed to voice and interviewing for a job or a higher level position. However, the voice technique that I’m talking about in this 3 part series is applicable and valuable for all conversations and presentations.
Today I’m focusing on creating connections through the use of your voice.
In order to get rid of the voice barriers and stiff, edgy voice that is hard to connect to, we’ve got to get you out of your head.
When you are in your head, thinking about what your saying/going to say, it changes the way your voice sounds and does not present you in the best light, no matter what your words are.
If you are going to job interviews and not getting the job, I would almost guarantee the problem is in your voice!
Want to join my FREE live training workshop Transform Your Voice? It’s Wed. 12/13 at 12:00 p.m. PST. You can sign up here:
It’s okay if it’s not in the right time zone, I’ll send out a replay link for you.
If you are interested in getting a jump on your voice for 2018 (which I highly encourage) you might like to attend one of my 3-hour workshops, all online, in December. You can find out more about them here:
Transform Your Voice 3-Hour Workshop:
Transform Your Voice on Camera 3-Hour Workshop:
Thanks for being a listener!
by captivate | Nov 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #98 Voice and Selling Power w/ Aandra Bohlen
Welcome to the show!
Wow, are you in for a treat in this episode! On the show today I’ve got one of the most knowledgeable and talented people I know when it comes to selling, something we all do! Aandra Bohlen is here with me today and you are going to love what she has to say!
Today Aandra and I are discussing:
Why selling really isn’t icky,
What trips people up when it comes to selling,
How to sell so that you can truly service,
The power of the voice/sales marriage
How to get your serving/selling on now and so much more!
Don’t wait another minute to get your voice ready! It’s time to speak your truth beautifully. To find out more about what’s cooking in the voice oven head on over to
Guest Bio

Aandra Bohlen is a multi-six -figure business consultant and sales expert with a track record that includes 26 years of award-winning sales experience. She is well-known in the online marketing community as a Sales Coach and Human Potential Activist. Aandra helps entrepreneurs at any level create meaningful connections in their businesses by having powerful (sales) conversations that convert to cash.
Her mission is to demystify the stigma around selling. She encourages her clients through her coaching and sales training to realize the sacred opportunity that selling can create in facilitating true transformation through solution-based selling. She believes that to sell is the pathway to solving and serving.
If you are ready to serve as you sell, you can find Aandra at
by captivate | Sep 11, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #91 Turning Ideas to Products and the Voice to Pitch Them w/ Filip Valica
Welcome to the show!
With me today is a former client and all around brilliant man, Filip Valica.
Filip has a unique business and a wonderful podcast for anyone who wants to turn an invention into a product. Filip is sharing his wisdom today with us and I know if you’ve ever thought about creating a product or pitching to raise funds for something you will love this show!
In today’s episode Filip and I talk about:
Creating products and getting them to production,
Mistakes product creators make,
The realities around raising funds and getting a product sold,
How the voice plays into his work and his capital,
What it’s like to be an introvert and having to present and pitch,
The benefits of having a podcast,
How much work is really involved in creating a more confident voice and more!
If you are interested in starting a podcast or want to improve your voice in the one you have then don’t forget to sign up for my 5-Day podcast voice challenge.
This is the last call for that challenge, it starts on Sunday the 17th! I hope to work with you and you can sign up right here:
Guest Bio

Filip Valica has been a mechanical engineer and manager for over 12 years, designing, testing and building products. He has worked for a broad range of companies – from mom-and-pop small businesses to some of the largest corporations in the US. Filip founded The Product Startup to provide a step-by-step blueprint to aspiring product creators wanting to bring their own ideas to market.
Along with his mother, Filip came to the United States as a political refugee from Czechoslovakia when he was 7 years old. They arrived with two suitcases and $80 in cash and left behind all of their family. His journey and success in the United States prove that it’s possible to create your own luck through hard work.
At an early age, Filip became the “man-of-the-house” and was responsible for fixing things around the house. After college, he pooled his savings, borrowed money from his friends, bought an inhabitable foreclosure and spent the next 2 years to make it livable.
Filip lives in Houston, Texas with his wife and daughter. After his daughter was born, he realized that he needed to focus on his passion and soon launched The Product Startup.
Filip believes that anyone can develop a product using recent advances in technology and tools – and by following the same road map many other companies currently use to commercialize their ideas. On his podcast, Filip interviews other founders and shows listeners a how they can build their products and brands on a tight budget. His hands-on point of view resonates with other action-oriented small business owners and entrepreneurs. You can find out more about Filip at