Episode #89 Stop the Dragging S, Especially for Podcasters and On Camera
Episode #89 Stop the Dragging S, Especially for Podcasters and On Camera
Welcome to the show!
As you know we are in the middle of a series, voice technique especially for podcasters.
The truth is that all of the techniques are great for anyone in any form whether it’s live speaking, online presentations, water cooler conversation. The voice is the most powerful tool you have because it’s how we determine everything about you.
Now, today’s episode is pretty specific to podcasters but anyone can still benefit from it if they have a dragging s. It’s not the end of the world if you have one but you will get a crisper sound if you get rid of it and it’s not that hard.
The exercise I give in this episode is not hard, it’s just a little strange but if you will do it for about a week you will be able to stop your dragging S and get a sound that might make your life a little easier when it comes to editing.
If you are a podcaster or thinking about becoming one, or you’d just like to learn some great voice technique then you might like to join my 5-Day Voice for Podcasting Challenge.
You can sign up here: http://new.captivatetheroom.com/5-day-podcast-challenge-thank-you/
If you are ready to start your podcast and don’t know where to begin then I’d love to help. You can sign up for my 1-day workshop that is live, online and put your podcast together from start to finish.
You can sign up for that here: http://new.captivatetheroom.com/1-day-podcast-set-up-workshop/
As always, thanks for listening!