by captivate | Aug 31, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #87 Breathing Technique, Especially for Podcasters
Welcome to the podcast!
I’m super excited about this series I’m rolling out starting today. I’ve just come off the heels of speaking at Podcast Movement and I’m more excited than ever about podcasting, podcasters and helping you sound captivating.
I’m running a small series that is directly spoken to podcasters but the truth of the matter is, these techniques I’m giving will really help anyone doing any type of speaking make a bigger impact, sound more confident and captivating.
I’m starting the series with some breathing technique which is key for everyone but essential for podcasters.
I’m also rolling out 2 very special offers.
First, a 5-Day voice on podcast challenge where you’ll have an opportunity to learn some voice technique, do some recordings and get valuable feedback from me!
You can sign up here:
Next, if you’ve thought about doing a podcast but you don’t know where to start I’m here to encourage you. I’m doing a 1-day workshop to help you put your podcast together from start to finish. This workshop is live online and is being held September 30th. You can find out more information and sign up here:
by captivate | Aug 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #86 Key Components to Successful Leadership w/ Peter Bregman
Welcome to the show!
I’m thrilled and honored to have Peter Bregman with me today. I have followed and benefited from Peter’s work on so many levels and I have no doubt you are going to get massive value from this conversation. One of the things I love so much about Peter’s work is it’s alignment with everything I teach when it comes to sounding more confident with your voice.
In today’s episode Peter and I talk about:
The power of breathing, pausing and simply resetting,
Change, why we resist it and how we lead with change for success,
Responding vs. reacting,
Being transparent and standing behind your word,
Emotional courage in communication,
Reflect, resist, replace,
Authentic speaking, and so much more!
Want to sound more confident and make a bigger impact? I can help! You can find out more about me at I’ll be starting a 5-Day Voice on Podcast Challenge on 9/17 and would love you to join. You can sign up here:

Guest Bio
PETER BREGMAN is the CEO of Bregman Partners, Inc., a company that strengthens leadership in people and in organizations. He is the host of the Bregman Leadership Podcast, short conversations with thought leaders focused on ideas that people can use to become more powerful and courageous leaders.
He is the author of Four Seconds: All the Time You Need to Replace Counter-Productive Habits with Ones That Really Work, a New York Post top pick for your career in 2015. His previous book was the Wall Street Journal bestseller 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done, winner of the Gold medal from the Axiom Business Book awards, named the best business book of the year on NPR, and selected by Publisher’s Weekly and the New York Post as a top 10 business book. He is also the author of Point B: A Short Guide to Leading a Big Change and contributor to five other books. Featured on PBS, ABC and CNN, Peter is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review, Psychology Today, and Forbes, and his articles and commentary have appeared frequently in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Fast Company, The Financial Times, CNN, NPR, and FOX Business News.
Peter began his career teaching leadership on wilderness and mountaineering expeditions and then moved into the consulting field with the Hay Group and Accenture, before starting Bregman Partners in 1998. Peter has advised CEOs and senior leaders in many of the world’s premier organizations, including Allianz, American Express, Brunswick Group, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, FEI, GE Capital, Merck, Clear Channel, Nike, UNICEF, and many others.
Peter bases his work on the notion that everyone–no matter their job or level—has the opportunity to lead. Unfortunately, most don’t. There is a massive difference between what we know about leadership and what we do as leaders. What makes leadership hard isn’t theoretical, it’s practical. It’s not about knowing what to say or do. It’s about whether you’re willing to experience the discomfort, risk, and uncertainty of saying or doing it.
Since 1989, Peter has trained and coached all levels of management and individuals to recognize their leadership, exhibit leadership behaviors, model and stimulate change, and foster growth of their own emotional courage as well as that of their teams and colleagues.
Peter earned his B.A. from Princeton University and his M.B.A. from Columbia University. Find out more at
by captivate | Jul 11, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #85 Benefits of Changing the Voice Story w/ Kathleen O’Keeffe
Welcome the show!
I’m so excited to bring Kathleen O’Keeffe back to the show today. Kathleen has been on the show before and she’s not only a wonderful friend but an incredible energy healer that changed my life.
Today is special though because today we are talking about changing Kathleen’s voice story and how she stepped into her voice power.
In today’s episode Kathleen and I talk about:
Fear of public speaking,
Psychology of the voice,
The unraveling of the voice story,
Vulnerability and the feeling of discomfort,
The fear of judgment,
Challenges in unraveling the voice story and more!
If you’re interested in sounding more confident, captivating and compelling on video, live stream and beyond, make sure you check out my next Sounding Confident on Live Stream Live Coaching Course. You can find out more here:
Guest Bio
Kathleen O’Keeffe lives in Cairns, Australia and is an energy healer, health coach, and Emmett practitioner. She uses a mixed bag of healing modalities that she’s used over the last 10 years on her own healing journey which turned quickly into a desire to help others. Kathleen’s wholehearted intention to hold space for those who need to come home and connect into their heart space for a balanced healing experience. While Kathleen sees people locally she also connects with interest and globally via Skype.
You can find out more about Kathleen
by captivate | Jul 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #84 Using the Right Voice Element to Get Results
Welcome to the podcast!
I’m really glad your with me today because today’s topic is going to help catapult you to the next level.
We make voice choices and most of the ones we make are laid into our muscle memory from our voice story. Often times we try to think our way into a more captivating voice but the truth is, what’s in the top layer of the muscle memory is what is going to deliver. It’s essential to lay in a new top layer.
But, there is even more to this. We have been led to believe someone along the way that certain voice choices are going to get us certain results. In today’s episode, I’m going to dispell that myth! There are push voice elements and pull voice elements and we need all of them. We also need to use all elements of vocal variety so that we can really take our audience on a voice journey and touch them at their emotional core.
I’m covering all of this in today’s episode!
**Last chance to get in on the Voice on Live Stream Challenge that starts on July 9th. If you do video or make video courses or do live stream, you don’t want to miss this power packed 5-Day challenge. You can sign up here:
by captivate | Jul 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #83 Vulnerability, Loyalty, and Success w/ Dov Baron
Welcome to the show!
I’m so delighted and honored to have Dov Baron with me today. I admire his work and have no doubt that you are going to glean so many benefits from this episode. I cherish our time together.
Dov is a leadership trainer, speaker, and expert in creating loyalty and so much more.
Today on the show Dov and I talk about:
Why fierce loyalty is important,
How to create fierce loyalty,
The link between vulnerability and success,
Full Monty Leadership,
The value of millennials,
Being a great leader and so much more!
Don’t miss a single minute of this value packed interview.
If you want to sound more confident on video and live stream, make sure you join my 5-Day Voice on Live Stream Challenge, it starts July 9th. You can sign up here:
Guest Bio:

Dov Baron has been speaking internationally for over 30 years, he’s the man with a finger on the pulse of the evolving world of NextGen leadership. One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, Dov Baron is a master storyteller! Considered by many as the leading authority on Authentic Leadership, and the founder of Full Monty Leadership and The Authentic Speaker Academy for Leadership. Outside of his speaking and training Dov works with multi-disciplinary leaders and executive teams to build the bonds that create organizational cultures that become Fiercely Loyal.
Dov is a bestselling author of several books. His latest book is Fiercely Loyal; How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent. He also writes for and has been featured in many industry magazines including being featured on CNN, CBS Small Business Pulse, SHRM, Yahoo Finance, Boston Globe, Business in Vancouver, USA today, CEO, Entrepreneur and much more