Episode #27 Tone of Voice, the Audience/Customer Hears More than You Might Think
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m talking about tone of voice, a topic I love. In the show today I’m going to introduce you to a concept about tone that you may never have thought about or realized existed. We have something called an undertone. When we speak we have the words and the tone but we also have an undertone that is connected to negative emotions.
When we speak, if there is a negative undertone or an agenda, our audience can hear it. Now, they may not put it into words like I am, but it creates a barrier between you and them. You can’t connect.
Today I’ll talk about:
What the undertone is,
Where it comes from and what causes it,
What you need to do to get rid of it,
Why it’s effecting the relationships you have with your customers and your audience,
How the undertone can keep you from greater success in business and life and MORE!
Take a listen on Itunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/captivate-the-room/id1091333779?mt=2
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You can find out more about me and my work at www.captivatetheroom.com
For a FREE voice assessment, email Tracy@captivatetheroom.com