by captivate | Jul 8, 2016 | Uncategorized
Episode #34 Storytelling, Knowing the Audience Emotionally to Choose Your Parts of the Story
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m talking about storytelling. But, that’s a really big topic! There are so many moving parts to storytelling. I’ve been hearing from people lately that they don’t understand why some people use stories that are not relevant in any way to their presentation or audience.
I’ve talked about and taught about storytelling in the past. But, today what I want to talk about in relation to stories is the emotional quotient of the audience and the parts of the story.
Today you’ll hear about:
The emotional quotient of the audience vs. the demographics,
How to figure out what the audience needs,
Delivering the stories that the audience needs based on their emotional needs,
The parts of the story, all of them,
Why we gravitate to the least vulnerable parts of the story,
Where to use what parts of the story and more!
Take a listen here on Itunes:
Take a listen here on Google Play:
If you’d like to try out my storytelling class, you can get it here. This course is on sale until the July 15th for $37.00
Thank you for your downloads and shares! I’d be so grateful if you would leave me a review on Itunes!
by captivate | May 30, 2016 | Uncategorized
Episode #28 The Art of Storytelling w/Art Jones
Welcome to the show!
Today I’ve got the pleasure of speaking with Art Jones of The Art of Standing Out. I’ve known Art for a little while and I just think the world of him, such an expert at the art of storytelling and marketing and so many other things. I have no doubt you are going to love hearing what Art has to say in this weeks interview.
In this episode you’ll hear Art and I talk about:
*Keys to success in inbound marketing,
*Human Centered design thinking,
*Branding and how far too many people miss the mark,
*Key things business owners need to focus on when establishing branding,
*Stories and why people are reluctant to tell theirs,
*The different types of stories you want to tell,
*Stories and their link to vulnerability,
*Why stories and video marketing are key today and so much MORE!
Take a listen on ITunes here:
Take a listen on Google Play here:
If you’d like to find out more about stepping into your voice power, visit me at

Guest Bio
Art Jones has over 30 years experience working on the sales side of business process automation technology. He has worked for Fortune 100 companies and start-ups. In 2008 Art shifted from the sales side of the conversation into the marketing side and founded, “The Art of Inbound Marketing”. Over the years, Art has continued to evolve and in the fourth quarter of 2014 he changed his business name to “The Art of Standing Out” where they employ Human Centered Design Thinking to help build your brand, tell your brand story, optimize your marketing and maximize new revenues via the inbound selling model to fuel business growth.
by captivate | May 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
Episode #21 Captivate the Customers by Bringing Your Words to Life w/ Your Voice
Welcome to the show!
In today’s episode I’m going to talk about bringing the words to life. Now, I’m going to talk a little bit about vocal variety but I’m really diving into what bringing the words to life really means and why it’s so important.
The words are everything and they are nothing…it’s how you bring them to life that counts!
Words are just words. Ask someone how they felt when they heard…they talk about feelings, impact, emotions, not, words.
The words are important, yes, your customer and audience needs to hear the words…but, by bringing them to life, you touch the audience/customers senses and in turn effect their emotions. THAT is captivating the room, that is connecting…that is getting the audience, buyer, whoever you are talking to, to follow you, get on your list, learn from you, become one of your super fans, buy from you or simply, have their lives changed. All of that takes place in the voice and that is what you are going to learn today!
Take a listen on ITunes here: Episode #22 Captivate the Customers by Bringing the Words to Life
I hope you are enjoying the podcast, I know I’m having a blast doing it. In fact, I’m considering doing three episodes a week! But, if you could do me a huge favor, if you enjoy the content, would you leave me a review? And…you can leave a review, even if you don’t.
Don’t forget, if you’d like me to take a listen to your voice, make sure and sign up for your free voice assessment at
Also, make sure you check out my new 3 month Voice Impact Course, it’s coming out soon!!!!
I’ll see you next time when I interview Passionpreneur, January Tan.
by captivate | Apr 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
Episode #16 Key Elements of Success in Crowdfunding w/ Salvador Briggman
Welcome to the show!
I’m super excited about my guest today. I’m honored to have Sal Briggman with me today of Crowd Crux. Sal is an amazing man who is incredibly knowledgeable in the area of Crowd funding. Sal has his finger right on the pulse of exactly what it takes to get your project funded.
In today’s episode you wll learn all about the mistakes that people make with their campaigns,
Key strategies to ensure success
How voice and communication play a key role in the success of a project being funded
The power of voice in the message through video and podcasting
And more!
Thank you Sal for joining me!
Listen here on Itunes: Episode #17 Key Elements to Crowdfunding Success w/ Salvador Briggman
To find out more about me and my work, make sure and
And don’t forget, you get 25% off all of my courses with the code podcast.
As always, thank you for shares and downloads.
Guest Bio:

Guest Bio
Salvador Briggman founded the popular blog, CrowdCrux which has been cited by the New York Times, The Wallstreet Journal, CNN and more! He helps entrepreneurs raise money on corwdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Last year, Sal helped nearly 400,000 individuals raise money from the crowd through his website, products, newsletter and forum. You can find out more about Sal at
by captivate | Apr 8, 2015 | Uncategorized
Run to the Roar
Please forgive me; I’m on a bit of a face your fears tangent. I guess you know where I’m at in life! I’ve got a concept that I teach my one on one clients and in my membership program (you should check it out). It’s called Run to the Roar. The concept, face your fears like a boss! Here’s a little secret, while I’m not afraid to have the spotlight shine on me…ever, I do have lots of fears. At one point several years ago I became paralyzed, literally could not make a decision. I’m the single mother of a child whom I’ve recovered from autism, yes, recovered, talk about run to the roar! For years I never was afraid, I just moved forward and did what had to be done, never fearing hearing no or anything else. Once my son was recovered, I somewhat lost my identity and became terrified of any making any decisions. It was driving me crazy! I understood the concept of facing fears, sure, no problem, but that was not enough for me because I had some Goliath size fears. One day on the phone my mother said to me, “run to the roar Tracy, because the fears aren’t going anywhere until you do”. She was right. The roar to me was HUGE, just as big as my fears. I started taking my fears head on, running right to them and do you know what happened? They weren’t so big after all and just about everything I thought was going to happen, the bad stuff, well, it didn’t!
Because I had such success with this concept and because my clients were indeed themselves paralyzed, I started using it in my consulting. Guess what, it worked! Many of my clients are visual, all of them are smart beyond measure, they all were dealing with huge fears of speaking, presenting, getting on camera, even just communicating with challenging people in the office. Understanding the concept of the fears not going away and the idea of running right up to them and dealing with them head on, in the moment resounded and what it also did was it created a framework to face fears and truly get past them. Because, when you run to the roar, the big old fear and face it head on, you see that what you thought was going to happen, the horrible outcome, 99% of the time doesn’t happen anyway.
So, whatever you are afraid whether it’s presenting live, doing a video, speaking on a podcast or guest show or even day to day communication in business and in relationships, RUN to the roar. Face the fear head on and get to the other side. It is not until you get to the other side of your communication and/or speaking fear that you can truly, truly get your message out loudly and proudly for the entire world to hear. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, someone out in the world, possibly lots of someone’s, really need to hear your message, don’t rob them of that, RUN TO THE ROAR!
by captivate | Apr 6, 2015 | Uncategorized
Organizing Your Thoughts for Video and Presentations
One of the challenges many face is where to begin when they start trying to plan a presentation or even a video. Here are some techniques that have really helped me and my clients over the years.
First, if you can, pick something you love or are an expert at, which is usually something you love! I realize that sometimes you can’t pick something you love if it’s for a work thing, but if you can, it helps. If you are not even sure what you want to talk about, brainstorm a list of topics, everything you can talk about, everything you are an expert at and then start scratching items off the list that won’t work because of time or audience or knowledge or that you don’t love.
Write down everything you want to talk about. It might even be good to brainstorm everything you can talk about within the topic first, just jotting the information, or the bits as I call them down on a piece of paper. Once you have all of your thoughts or ideas written down, start grouping them together in categories that fit.
Be mindful at this time of how long you want your presentation to be, is it 5 minutes? Is it 20 minutes? Videos are shorter, E-Course lectures a little longer, webinars and presentations, even longer. Statistics show that a good length of time for video is 3 to 5 minutes max. A webinar is usually an hour although I have seen many marathon webinar trainings that last 2, 4 even 6 hours.
Now, try to fit everything in a grouping. If you have strays, will they stand alone? Meaning, can you talk for several minutes on that issue or piece of a topic? If yes, let it stand alone, if not, try and find other pieces that will go with it, or evaluate if you need/want it. Now, with each grouping, come up with a heading. Now your bits are nicely grouped and organized so not to be so overwhelming.
As you start to work on content, work within each grouping. You will find, at this time that you might have too much information in a group or maybe a bit can stand on it’s own or maybe there is a bit you don’t need or want at all. If you work on building content in only one grouping at a time, you won’t get so overwhelmed. Take each group one by one and build your content. As you go along, see what you need, want and discard the rest.
Always keep in mind, with regards to your time, that you will need an introduction and a conclusion. You might want to wait until all of your groupings are done to write your introduction and conclusion but always have an official introduction and conclusion rather than just random chatter. I talk about this in videos and other blog posts, exactly what makes a strong introduction and conclusion. The priority here is that you don’t get overwhelmed and that you create a nice and logical flow for your audience.