Episode #15 Sounding More Confident w/ Your Voice
Episode #15 Sounding More Confident w/ Your Voice
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m wrapping up my three part series on soundning more confident with your voice so you can make a bigger impact with your message.
We’ve talked about a lot of key principles and I’m trusting that you are finding them useful. I’d love to hear from you in the comments, how it’s going, where you are still struggling. I’d love to help!
We’ve talked about getting the words out, volume, pace and breathing. In today’s episode I’m talking about one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal, pausing. However, it’s the most vulnerable tool. Pausing is actually in the variety tool box in my world. But, it’s super powerful.
In today’s episode I’ll talk to you about why it’s so powerful, why you try to avoid it…or over use it and how to fix all of that.
Thank you for your downloads and shares. I’m honored to be on the New and Noteworthy list here on Itunes.
Listen here on Itunes: Episode #16
Don’t forget, you get 25% off all of my courses with the code podcast.
To find out more about me or get your free voice assessment, simply to go www.captivatetheroom.com