by captivate | Mar 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #61 Celebrity Voice Tips for Live Stream, Messing Up
Welcome to the show!
Okay, we are on day 3 of the 7 days of tips to sound and feel like a celebrity on your live streams and videos.
I want you to make a big impact on your live streams and voice is key…even though no one is talking about it!
The voice is essential to getting people to watch and to stay.
The voice is also key in growing your following, building connections with people and selling!
Yet, it’s the last thing we think of. Not my TV stars, they know how key voice is.
So, today, we are talking about messing up. I’ve got a really cool technique for you if you mess up and the great part is, if you do and you use it, your audience is actually going to love you more!
If you want to find out more about the Celebrity Voice Live Stream Course, just click here:
by captivate | Mar 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #60 Celebrity Voice Tips for Live Stream, Start w/ a Strong Opening
Welcome to the show!
Day two of my super special voice technique that I use with my celebrity and business clients around the globe. I want to help you make a bigger impact, sound more confident, be the expert in your live streams.
I hear from so many people that they want to do live streams but they hate the way they sound. We are going to fix all of that in this 7 days!
Today’s technique is all about starting strong. It’s essential to hook us from the start with your voice and if you don’t, if you don’t grab us, we may just not stick around.
I want you to have heaps of people wanting to come and listen to you and more than that, I want them sticking with you in your live streams.
Today, I’ll give you a super technique for starting strong so you make a big impact, sound and look confident.
To find out more about the new course, Celebrity Voice Live Stream Course, just go to:
by captivate | Mar 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #59 Celebrity Voice Tips for Live Stream, Being Conversational
Welcome to the show!
Over the next 7 days, I’m going to be delivering 10-minute episodes that each have a great technique in them to help you really shine like a star in your live streams and videos.
I’ve been coaching TV celebrities for years and I was a professional actor myself. I’m combing my 25 plus years of voice coaching with business leaders and celebrities plus my own experience as a personal actor to bring you the tips that will:
set you apart,
get you ahead of the competition,
having you presenting with confidence and ease,
getting people into your live’s and keeping them there.
In today’s tip you’ll learn about:
How to talk to use like you know us,
How to build a connection with us quick,
How to keep us with you and
Tap into your passion right from the start!
To find out more about the Celebrity Voice Live Stream Course click here:
by captivate | Mar 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #58 What Do People Hear in Your Voice?
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m talking about all the things people hear in your voice. I’m not even talking about technical voice elements like pitch and volume, I’m talking about the decisions they are making about you based on the whole lot of it!
Research has been done on this topic and it’s really fascinating. From the first moment you speak, people are making decisions about you, everything about you including whether or not they are going to work with you!
I think you are going to love this episode!
Make sure you sign up for the Live Stream Voice Impact Challenge coming up. My new Live Stream voice impact course is coming out on the 15th so make sure you check that out too!
It’s time for you to do live stream and video if you aren’t and if you are, let’s make sure you are making a massive impact with your voice and captivating your customer from your very first word!
You can find out more here
by captivate | Mar 1, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #56 Getting on Video and Behind the Mic w/ CJ Ripka
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m talking to CJ Ripka of Ripka Media. I’m super excited about this interview and I know you are really going to learn a lot about doing videos and getting behind the mic in podcasts.
CJ has a great background in production and broadcasting and he really drops some value in this episode. If you’ve been thinking about doing video, live stream or even podcast or maybe you already are and you want to make it even better then you don’t want to miss this show.
In this episode, here are a few of the things you’ll hear:
Why live stream is so important,
Tips for getting on video and live stream,
Great tech tips for video, live stream and podcasting,
and More!
Plus, CJ has a very special offer for all my listener’s, make sure to take him up on it!!!
Want to make a bigger impact with your voice especially on video and live stream? Then don’t miss out on my upcoming 5-day challenge on Voice on Video. Just go to the work with me tab at
Guest Bio

CJ Ripka started his journey into podcasting with the hopes of being able to inspire people all over the world to stop settling for average and just be awesome. CJ’s first introduction to podcasting started in 2003 when he produced a monthly audio blog for the South Dakota National Guard Public Affairs Office. He has an extensive background in video production and broadcast journalism. He’s a husband and father, a creative force constantly coming up with new show ideas to add to the ever growing lists filling his notebooks.
You can find CJ at: