by captivate | Sep 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #92 The Power of Effective Communication
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m starting a series on effective communication. I always like to bring out the communication skills before the holidays and this year is no different. But, this year I’m adding a podcast series. In this effective communication round of episodes, I’m going to cover some of the greatest challenges we face to be effective communicators in both our personal and professional lives.
In today’s episode, I’ll do an overview of the series and talk about what it takes to be an effective communicator as well as what most often gets in your way.
In this series, we’ll be talking about things like:
Silent Treatment
Giving and Receiving Feedback and more!
I hope you’ll join me for this series, we all need a little help when it comes to communication, it’s truly one of the most challenging yet important things we do, all day long!
I’m also running a 5-day Reclaim Your Real Voice and Communicate More Effectively challenge, I’d love for you to join me and you can sign up right here:
by captivate | Sep 11, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #91 Turning Ideas to Products and the Voice to Pitch Them w/ Filip Valica
Welcome to the show!
With me today is a former client and all around brilliant man, Filip Valica.
Filip has a unique business and a wonderful podcast for anyone who wants to turn an invention into a product. Filip is sharing his wisdom today with us and I know if you’ve ever thought about creating a product or pitching to raise funds for something you will love this show!
In today’s episode Filip and I talk about:
Creating products and getting them to production,
Mistakes product creators make,
The realities around raising funds and getting a product sold,
How the voice plays into his work and his capital,
What it’s like to be an introvert and having to present and pitch,
The benefits of having a podcast,
How much work is really involved in creating a more confident voice and more!
If you are interested in starting a podcast or want to improve your voice in the one you have then don’t forget to sign up for my 5-Day podcast voice challenge.
This is the last call for that challenge, it starts on Sunday the 17th! I hope to work with you and you can sign up right here:
Guest Bio

Filip Valica has been a mechanical engineer and manager for over 12 years, designing, testing and building products. He has worked for a broad range of companies – from mom-and-pop small businesses to some of the largest corporations in the US. Filip founded The Product Startup to provide a step-by-step blueprint to aspiring product creators wanting to bring their own ideas to market.
Along with his mother, Filip came to the United States as a political refugee from Czechoslovakia when he was 7 years old. They arrived with two suitcases and $80 in cash and left behind all of their family. His journey and success in the United States prove that it’s possible to create your own luck through hard work.
At an early age, Filip became the “man-of-the-house” and was responsible for fixing things around the house. After college, he pooled his savings, borrowed money from his friends, bought an inhabitable foreclosure and spent the next 2 years to make it livable.
Filip lives in Houston, Texas with his wife and daughter. After his daughter was born, he realized that he needed to focus on his passion and soon launched The Product Startup.
Filip believes that anyone can develop a product using recent advances in technology and tools – and by following the same road map many other companies currently use to commercialize their ideas. On his podcast, Filip interviews other founders and shows listeners a how they can build their products and brands on a tight budget. His hands-on point of view resonates with other action-oriented small business owners and entrepreneurs. You can find out more about Filip at
by captivate | Sep 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #89 Stop the Dragging S, Especially for Podcasters and On Camera
Welcome to the show!
As you know we are in the middle of a series, voice technique especially for podcasters.
The truth is that all of the techniques are great for anyone in any form whether it’s live speaking, online presentations, water cooler conversation. The voice is the most powerful tool you have because it’s how we determine everything about you.
Now, today’s episode is pretty specific to podcasters but anyone can still benefit from it if they have a dragging s. It’s not the end of the world if you have one but you will get a crisper sound if you get rid of it and it’s not that hard.
The exercise I give in this episode is not hard, it’s just a little strange but if you will do it for about a week you will be able to stop your dragging S and get a sound that might make your life a little easier when it comes to editing.
If you are a podcaster or thinking about becoming one, or you’d just like to learn some great voice technique then you might like to join my 5-Day Voice for Podcasting Challenge.
You can sign up here:
If you are ready to start your podcast and don’t know where to begin then I’d love to help. You can sign up for my 1-day workshop that is live, online and put your podcast together from start to finish.
You can sign up for that here:
As always, thanks for listening!
by captivate | Sep 1, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #88 Stressing Words, Especially for Podcasters
Welcome to the show!
The podcast voice series continues!
As you know I’m coming off the heels of speaking at Podcast Movement and before I get back to my regular voice programs and work I wanted to take the time to run a short series here on the show as well as a few programs for people who are doing or are interested in doing podcasts.
Today we are talking about adding emphasis to words which are key, especially if you are using a script for your show or other speaking. We don’t know what you know and it’s up to you to let us know what’s important to you and what should be important to us.
Adding emphasis to words is key in that process and helps you bring the words to life which is essential if you want to touch our emotions.
I love my show and my audience and I am a huge fan of podcasting!
If you are already podcasting, this series of voice technique will help take your show to the next level.
If you aren’t doing a show yet but would like to, this technique will help you when you get your show going.
If you aren’t planning a podcast but still speak to anyone….ever, then these voice techniques will help you!
The truth is, the voice is the most powerful tool you have if you know how to use it.
The voice is how we determine everything about you including our relationship and whether or not we trust you enough to work with you.
It’s time to invest in your voice whether you’re a podcaster or not.
If you’d like to join my 5-day podcast voice challenge, you can sign up here:
If you’d like to join my 1-day live online put your podcast together workshop, you can sign up here:
Thanks for being a listener! I can’t wait to hear your show.
by captivate | Aug 31, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #87 Breathing Technique, Especially for Podcasters
Welcome to the podcast!
I’m super excited about this series I’m rolling out starting today. I’ve just come off the heels of speaking at Podcast Movement and I’m more excited than ever about podcasting, podcasters and helping you sound captivating.
I’m running a small series that is directly spoken to podcasters but the truth of the matter is, these techniques I’m giving will really help anyone doing any type of speaking make a bigger impact, sound more confident and captivating.
I’m starting the series with some breathing technique which is key for everyone but essential for podcasters.
I’m also rolling out 2 very special offers.
First, a 5-Day voice on podcast challenge where you’ll have an opportunity to learn some voice technique, do some recordings and get valuable feedback from me!
You can sign up here:
Next, if you’ve thought about doing a podcast but you don’t know where to start I’m here to encourage you. I’m doing a 1-day workshop to help you put your podcast together from start to finish. This workshop is live online and is being held September 30th. You can find out more information and sign up here: