by captivate | Jun 8, 2017 | Uncategorized

#77 Using Your Voice – Controlling the Conversation
Voice is the most powerful instrument you have if you know how to use it. The voice is the tool that connects us with others and compels them to take the action we want them to take like following us on social media or buy from us. The voice is the tool that causes us to feel. Yes, the words are important, the branding, the sales training, experience, all of it is important but if you don’t make me feel something it could be a deal breaker.
There are several voice habits that can keep us from compelling our career and from touching the emotions of the audience causing them to connect with us and be compelled to take the action we want. I’d like to talk about two that you probably have never thought about. In fact, you might not have even realized that it’s your voice that is keeping you from getting the results that you want. Every single sound we make sends an audience a specific message. The voice is the orchestra of the heart and we need to play the full orchestra of beautiful instruments to create the connections we crave in business.
One of the most fascinating things in my work is to talk about voice barriers, one of the biggest unseen reasons that you could be losing sales. Voice barriers are the bulletproof glass that encases you and keeps us from connecting with you and it all comes from what you do with your voice. The tones that are connected to your voice story are revealed whether you realize it or not. Now, I can hear a voice and put a name to the exact barrier I hear like trying to prove something or asking for permission. The audience hears these barriers and while they can’t identify them as such, they feel them and they keep you from connecting. Voice barriers can also cause doubt in the audience or potential client, they don’t know exactly why but they know that something is not right and so they say they’ll have to think about it and they will then go and find a voice they can connect with that offers the same product or service. These voice barriers can also get in the way of getting the job when you go on an interview. The interviewer hears something off, they may not be able to say what it is but they feel it.
The next voice issue that could be getting in your way is relying too heavily on the words. All kinds of bad voice habits come out when you are relying on the words. If you are trying to think about the words you are in retrieval mode which means you are up in your head thinking about the words and so you are disconnected from your body and voice. The result of this is stiff, flat sound keeps the audience from truly connecting to the passion of how you feel about your message.
Another problem when you are up in your head or relying too much on the words is speed. You are trying to grab the words off the page and not forget them before you look down again and so you must speak very quickly. Going too fast is a problem when you want to connect to the audience because we don’t know what you know. If it’s hard to follow you then you give me full permission to check out and stop listening. In addition, when you are relying on only one element of vocal variety you are very predictable, once you become predictable it’s nearly impossible to captivate me with your voice. All the five vocal variety elements touch different emotions and if you are relying on one, speed because you need it to stay connected to the words then you can’t use the other. In addition, you can’t even begin to utilize breathing which is where organic vocal variety comes from.
What becomes essential is that you tap into the message and don’t focus on the words. When we tap into the message we are more in our body and connected to the passion of what we are speaking about, when we do that then the words will simply be there for us. When I work with TV stars, they always learn the first and last line of the script first, that way they always know where they need to go. When you tap into the core message, you know where you need to go and the words will come. You are the expert and oftentimes when presenting as a speaker or even in a business presentation we give all the power to the words and forget that we really do know what we are talking about. Start focusing on the core message, what you want me to know and feel and then you will realize that the words are hindering your presentation and are more of a crutch and that you don’t need them. When you focus on the core message you will then be able to slow down, pause, breathe and take us on a voice journey which is what will touch our emotions.
The key to connection and compelling people to buy from you lies in the voice. If you use your voice as the power tool that it is, you will find that more people stay with you as you deliver your message and that will result in greater success in your call to action.
If you would like to learn what your voice barriers are, go to and you will see the opportunity to send me a voice recording and I will assess them for you.
by captivate | Jun 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #76 TEDx Speaker Secrets Revealed w/ Davide Di Giorgio
Welcome to the show!
Today I’ve got an amazing show and guest for you! Davide has been on the show before and he was such a fan favorite that I really wanted to get him back on! Davide’s last show was remarkable but this episode he has really outdone himself.
In today’s episode, fresh off of his gig as the speaker coach for TEDx Cardiff by the Sea, Davide is sharing some massive knowledge bombs, the secrets you want to know if you want to consider doing a TED talk (which I think you should!)
In today’s episode you’ll learn about:
An amazing opportunity with a deluxe bonus (including cabin upgrade and private coaching session with Davide) for my listener’s to get some world class speaker training,
What makes a great TED talk,
What it takes to get selected for a TED talk,
What sets great speakers apart and so much more!
Don’t miss a minute of this week’s episode.
If you want to really learn how to create a speaking career that’s memorable, get the information and bonuses for Speaker Experience at Sea by clicking this link:
Want to make a bigger impact with your voice? Let’s start by getting rid of your voice barriers. Go to and find out how to send me an audio recording of your voice and I’ll assess your voice barriers.

Davide Di Giorgio has been a theater producer, creator, educator and longtime audacious entrepreneur. His versatile background and flair for connecting big picture mission and vision with unique expression have positioned him as the go-to creative expert for speakers and entrepreneurs who leverage speaking in their business.
From working with speakers to achieve high audience to client conversions, entrepreneurs to maximize their personal brand equity through speaking experiences, to consulting with corporate clients to produce engaging workshops and events, Davide’s rich experience across multiple industries have made him an innovative leader and trailblazer.
Davide takes an unapologetic, creative approach that shatters the mold of following blueprints, formulas, and systems. instead, he uses YOU as the blueprint to create real success; your vision, your mission, and your passion as the foundation for world-class, world changing signature experiences that convert audiences into raving fans, revenue, repeat speaking engagements, and makes you UNFORGETTABLE!
Don’t forget to click on the link below and find out all about the amazing Speaker Experience at Sea and get the special bonus (cabin upgrade and private coaching session with Davide) for my listeners go to this link:
Find out more about Davide at
by captivate | May 29, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #75 Changing Your Voice Story, Changing Your Success
Welcome to the podcast!
Today I’m talking about the psychology of the voice story and how it is your core problem.
The more I work with the voice story the more I see just how much it is trying to control the voice that you put out into the world.
I’ve seen this for years, 25 plus to be exact and it’s clearly the core problem when it comes to what you put out.
It’s just not possible to deliver a voice that is different than what you’ve laid into your muscle memory, what you’ve laid in is from your psychology of the voice story.
The story has to be changed and a new one put into the muscle memory if you want to change things for good. The goal is that you never have to “think” about what you are going to do with your voice to captivate the room and compel the audience to take the action you want.
The goal is that every time you open your mouth your sound flows out with ease and you sound captivating and compelling. Changing the voice story and putting in a new layer of muscle memory will make that happen and it’s easier than you think!
Find out more about your voice story and how you can change it in today’s episode.
Want to hear more about what your voice barriers are? I can tell you exactly what they are, just go over to to find out more!
by captivate | May 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #74 Captivate the Room w/ Bold Voice Choices
Welcome to the show!
I’m really excited about today’s episode because it’s all about pushing you out of your voice box (no pun intended) and into bold choices.
So many times people come to me and they say, “I don’t sound captivating”. I hear you!
What we work on is getting out of the small and limiting voice box they are working in because of fear or their psychology of the voice story or even their perception. People also work in this box because of perfectionism and wanting to get the words just right, in fact relying on the words can cause this to happen as well.
If we want to captivate the audience we have to learn to make bold choices and commit to them!
In this episode, I’ll talk about bold choices,
What they are,
How to make them and how to commit to them.
Once you commit to choices that are bold, exciting and outside of the box your world will begin to change!
If you want to get some great voice tips, make sure you get the Voice Formula, it’s free and you can find it on my website at
by captivate | May 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #73 The Sounds We Hear Are Hurting Your Success
That’s right, that’s what I said. Welcome to the show!
I’m glad you are here because I want to share with you the difference between what you think you are putting out and how it’s being received.
In your head, you may sound great or maybe you know you aren’t sounding as great as you could. But, did you know that different sounds can actually give entirely different meanings?
In today’s episode, I’m going to give you some information that will really inspire you to take action on these things you are learning here with me. Because, the very sound that you are delivering, the sound that is laid into your psychology of the voice, is hurting your business because it’s saying things to the customer that are not true or might not be true.
Example: if you are quiet, you have no passion. Well, I don’t know about you but I’ve known plenty of passionate people that are quiet, but the customer could easily think you aren’t passionate enough about your work to take on their job.
The voice is the tool, like we talked about last week, that will make us feel something. I usually talk about the good it makes us feel but this is not so good.
I think you will really love this episode.
Also, don’t forget, if you haven’t signed up for the podcast voice challenge it starts next week. You can sign up right here:
Look forward to seeing you in the challenge! And hey, even if you aren’t planning on having a podcast, the voice technique I’m teaching is pretty cool and will work anywhere.