by captivate | Jul 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #82 Stop Relying on Speed to Keep Our Attention
Welcome to the show!
Today we are talking about a topic that I deal with on a regular basis and something that I hear people mention a lot! “I go fast so I can keep my audience’s attention.”
Well, here’s the truth…that will never work. The very thing you are trying to achieve can never happen if you rely on the voice element of speed.
Speed is a wonderful tool, used sparingly but what keeps our attention is being captivated. So, how do you captivate? Well, you use all elements of variety, all five of them and you take us on a voice journey. You become unpredictable. By using just one vocal variety element you are predictable.
When you make that one choice and it’s speed, you are adding more to the mix. When you go fast, we can’t always follow you, in fact, more than not we can’t follow you. Remember, we don’t know what you know. By using speed, you are giving us permission to check out.
I think you’ll love this episode and I have no doubt benefit from it!
If you want to really learn how to sound confident and captivate the audience, especially on camera in live streams and videos, then join my 5-Day Voice on Live Stream Challenge, it starts July 9th and you can sign up here:
by captivate | Jun 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #81 Your Voice is Key to Your Sales Success
Welcome to the show!
Today’s episode is very important because it’s about your voice and selling and I mean, who doesn’t sell at some point?
Now you may not sell a product or service but you still have to sell yourself on occasion.
What far too many people don’t realize is that the voice is instrumental in sales success.
Part of the power of voice in selling is in persuasion but the voice also plays a key role in creating connections which are essential to that know, like and trust factor that precedes selling. But the voice is also the instrument that has the ability to make me feel, to touch my emotions. If you want people to buy what your selling or take an action you want them to take, it’s essential to compel them and that is the voice’s job.
In today’s episode, I talk about key ways your voice plays an integral role in your selling success and give a few techniques and tips for what you must have in your voice to increase your sales success.
**Make sure you join the 5-Day voice challenge I’m rolling out on July 9th, Sound More Confident, Like an Influencer in Your Live Streams and Videos. You can sign up here:
by captivate | Jun 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #80 The Power of Speaking Live w/ Grant Baldwin
Welcome to the show!
Whether you’ve ever dreamed about standing on a stage and speaking on a stage or not, you are going to love today’s episode.
With me on the show, today is Grant Baldwin and he’s not only an incredible and popular speaker but he also coaches speaker’s, teaching them the in’s and out’s of creating a flourishing speaking career. I’m thrilled to have him on the show!
In today’s episode Grant and I talk about:
How he got started as a speaker,
What it takes to speak live,
How to create a speaking career,
The in’s and out’s of choices as a speaker,
Grant’s top tip for future speakers,
The power of podcasting and more!
If you want to make a bigger impact with your message using your voice, make sure you go to and get your free video series, The Voice Formula.
Guest Bio

Grant Baldwin is the creator of the and the Booked And Paid To Speak training program. He’s also a nationally known keynote speaker and author and hosts “The Speaker Lab” podcast.
As a speaker, Grant has given hundreds of presentations and has spoken to over 400,000 people in 45 different states through leadership conferences, conventions, and other events. His book and curriculum for students, “Reality Check,” is taught in 400 schools around the country.
As much as he enjoys speaking and entrepreneurship, Grant loves his family more. He is married to his high school sweetheart and they have three girls. They live in Nashville, TN. You can find out more about Grant here: or at
by captivate | Jun 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #79 Communication, Integrity and Relationship Building w/ John Ramstead
Welcome to the show!
Today’s episode is going to inspire you beyond measure so get ready!
With me today is John Ramstead who is one of the most inspiring men I’ve ever met. John is an expert in the art of leadership and has a story that will change the way you look at the gift of life.
In today’s episode, John and I talk about leadership,
How crucial communication is for success,
The one communication issue that can cost an organization thousands and why it has to go.
Integrity and inspiring others in through our work and our purpose.
You are going to love hearing from John so don’t miss a minute!
Want to make a bigger impact with your message using your voice? I can show you how!
Guest Bio

John Ramstead
John has been happily married to his wife, Donna, for twenty-seven years. They have three sons and live outside of Denver, Colorado. John started out his career as a Navy F-14 pilot and flew combat during Desert Storm. Following his Navy career, he became a successful startup entrepreneur and then joined the management team of a Fortune 100 company.
Four years ago he had a near fatal accident that put him under hospital care for two years and required 23 surgeries. This experience taught John what is truly important and how to move from success to significance.
Today John is the founder of Beyond Influence, LLC, a global leadership coaching and consulting firm. John’s companies mission is to equip and empower leaders to achieve what has been inspired in them. John now devotes his time to leadership coaching, consulting and speaking.
You can find out more about John at
You can listen to John’s podcast The Eternal Leadership show at
by captivate | Jun 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #78 Is Your Voice Doing its Job?
Welcome to the show!
In today’s episode, I’m talking about the job of your voice, that’s right, your voice has a job to do.
Your voice is the greatest instrument you have to take the audience on a voice journey. Your voice is fully capable of touching our emotions and in turn affecting our senses. If you want to connect with your audience, compel them to take action and captivate the room, your voice needs to do its job.
Part of the problem is your voice has just been locked into submission by your subconscious mind. I get it, your mind is trying to protect your heart and that’s great. But, the result is a voice that can’t fully deliver, can’t fully bring your words to life.
The voice should flow out freely making it easier for others to connect to you,
The voice should utilize all elements of vocal variety to touch our senses,
The voice should take us on a journey, bringing the words to life,
The voice should get us excited about your call to action and inspire us to do so.
Does your voice do all of that? If it does, then you will catapult your success.
If it doesn’t, you might be left wondering what’s wrong. It’s not your words, it’s not what your thinking, it’s your voice not doing what it could do for you.
If you find that your voice is slacking on the job, don’t be too hard on it, it’s just been trained to play it safe. But, now that the light is shining on the darkness, it’s time to step out with bold voice choices, a voice that flows freely speaking your truth, a voice that captivates us by touching our emotions and compels us.
Want to find out more about how to captivate the room? Visit me at
Make sure you grab my voice formula and get on your way to making a bigger impact with your message.