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Episode #71 Not Sounding Confident? Bottom Line It

Episode #71 Not Sounding Confident?  Bottom Line It

Welcome to the show!

I’m talking today about your words, specifically words that can create a voice barrier of doubt, or of lack of confidence or of needing reassurance.  

What I’m talking about today is stating your ideas and words over and over again in different ways.  When you tell us the same thing over and over again we start to doubt you know what you’re talking about.  The fact of the matter is, you are telling us over and over again because you are sorting it out yourself or maybe needing our approval.

When you tell us the same thing over and over again we start to doubt you know what you’re talking about.  The fact of the matter is, you are telling us over and over again because you are sorting it out yourself or maybe needing our approval.

Your audience will hear this if you don’t bottom line it.

Today, I’m going to teach you about the voice barriers that we hear when you don’t bottom line and what you need to do to ensure that you sound confident from your very first word.

I think you are really going to love this episode and you will most likely be shocked to discover that sometimes you don’t sound confident because you need to bottom line it!

Ready to podcast?  I’d love to help you get your podcast voice on!  Join me for my upcoming 5-day Captivate with Your Voice in Your Podcast challenge.

You can sign up here:

Can’t wait to work with you live!


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