Episode #61 Celebrity Voice Tips for Live Stream, Messing Up
Welcome to the show!
Okay, we are on day 3 of the 7 days of tips to sound and feel like a celebrity on your live streams and videos.
I want you to make a big impact on your live streams and voice is key…even though no one is talking about it!
The voice is essential to getting people to watch and to stay.
The voice is also key in growing your following, building connections with people and selling!
Yet, it’s the last thing we think of. Not my TV stars, they know how key voice is.
So, today, we are talking about messing up. I’ve got a really cool technique for you if you mess up and the great part is, if you do and you use it, your audience is actually going to love you more!
If you want to find out more about the Celebrity Voice Live Stream Course, just click here: