Episode #24 Communication, Voice and Leadership w/ Robert Kennedy III
Welcome to the show!
I’m so delighted to have Robert Kennedy III on the show today. I just think the world of Robert and he really knows his stuff when it comes to making great leaders. Robert has a keen understanding of the role of voice and communication in leadership.
In today’s episode Robert and I talk about key elements necessary to be a great leader,
Where people often miss the mark when it comes to leading others,
The importance of communication in leadership,
Ways people fall short in communicating with others and themselves,
Strategies he uses to help leaders communicate better,
Communication style and knowing how to communicate with others and so much MORE!
Listen here on Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/captivate-the-room/id1091333779?mt=2
Listen on Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/I3ziyn7lcvxjq7qf5z5uvehmmyy?t=Captivate_the_Room
If you’d like to find out more about your voice and get your free voice assesment just visit www.captivatetheroom.com
Guest Bio
Robert Kennedy III is known as a people builder who inspires people to be better and to help leaders build better people. Robert helps managers and organizational leaders find the touch points to motivate their employees, increase their own personal performance and create more impacting and purposeful leadership through communication. Some of his workshops, including “Leading with Purpose” and “Built to Make a Difference”, dive into the personal leadership tools we all possess in order to create Maximum Impact. As a result, his clients are able to build teams that work together more purposefully, more powerfully and more profitably.
Robert helps organizations through keynote speaking, small group coaching and consulting, workshops and training development.
His background as a teacher, trainer, organizational leader and business owner help him to sit squarely in the seats of his clients and create a greater understanding of how to proceed through current challenges.
You can find Robert on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertkennedy3
And his website at: http://www.robertkennedy3.com/