by captivate | Mar 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #66 Using Your Voice in the Live and Virtual Worlds w/ Laura Pennington
Welcome to the show!
Today we are talking about using your voice in a whole bunch of different ways from teaching to writing to managing teams. Today on the show I’ve got Laura Pennington and she’s done all of that! I know you are really going to enjoy hearing from this former school middle school teacher turned six-figure business owner.
On the show you’ll hear:
All the different ways Laura has used her voice from teacher to writer to owner of a six-figure business,
About her fear of using her voice and how she got over it,
Why voice is key in running teams,
What mistake she see’s entrepreneur’s make when it comes to hiring help,
Why it’s crucial to get help if you want to really succeed and more!
Want to make a bigger impact with your voice? I’ll show you how
Guest Bio

Laura Pennington
Laura spent most of her life preparing to be an educator and then burned out after working as a middle school teacher in Baltimore City.
After she started a freelance writing career on the side, she quickly replaced and surpassed her day job earnings and hit the six-figure mark in just 18 months.
Since 2013, she’s worked full time for herself helping clients with content and project management and digital teams. She now teaches others how to build fulfilling lifestyle businesses from home.
You can find Laura here:
by captivate | Mar 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #65 Celebrity Voice Tips for Live Stream, Stepping Into Vocal Energy
Welcome to the show!
Today is the last day of the 7 days of Celebrity Voice Tips for Live Stream and Video and today I’m talking about something important! Vocal energy.
If you find that you fall flat, sound boring, aren’t really getting your audience excited…
Vocal energy could be the culprit.
Vocal energy is really just connecting to the passion and delivering your excitement and enthusiasm through your voice. Sometimes easier said that done but it’s totally a learned skill.
That’s what I’m talking about today…stepping into that learned skill of speaking with an energized, passionate voice on your live streams.
If you want more information about my Celebrity Voice and On Camera Course,
by captivate | Mar 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #64 Celebrity Voice Tips for Live Stream, Getting Rid of Um
Welcome to the Show!
Today I’m talking about getting rid of the dreaded um. It can be very problematic not only for your confidence but for our listening.
Um is really not what people think it is. Or maybe it is but in today’s episode I’m going to break down um and give you something to do to fix it.
There are several different ways I go about getting rid of um but today’s tip is a good start. Give it a try and see if it works for you!
If you want to get all of my great techniques that I teach TV stars and business people around the globe, don’t miss my new upcoming courses. Take a look at work with me at
by captivate | Mar 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #63 Celebrity Voice Tips for Live Stream, Getting Results Fast
Welcome to the show!
Today I’m talking about why muscle memory works and fast! I get asked often how I can turn things around in a voice so quickly, usually, often 30 days or less. I’ve been told by client’s before they almost didn’t work with me because they couldn’t believe we could change things in 30 days or less.
It’s the power of muscle memory. If you’ve been trying to think your way through changing the bad voice habits, your mind can’t make that happen. But, if you to work on your muscle memory, you can!
In this little mini-episode, I talk about the power of muscle memory and getting results fast, changing your voice fast so you can sound confident and catapult your career.
Want to get even more great voice tips of the TV stars? I teach them and I want to teach you. Do live stream and video but do it so it captivates the audience! Work with me!
by captivate | Mar 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #62 Celebrity Voice Tips for Live Stream, Breathing Reset
Welcome to the show!
Today we are on day 4 of the 7 days of celebrity tips for making an impact with your voice on live stream.
Over these 7 days I’m giving you key technique that I use with my celebrity clients. I want you to really stand apart in your live streams and videos and I want you to be able catapult your business because of the work you do in your live streams.
Today I’ve got a breathing hack for you, breathing reset. This is a great technique for anything but really good for video because you are a little more nervous and it’s a weird set up!
If you’d like to find out more about my full course, launching March 22nd, visit
by captivate | Mar 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Episode #61 Celebrity Voice Tips for Live Stream, Messing Up
Welcome to the show!
Okay, we are on day 3 of the 7 days of tips to sound and feel like a celebrity on your live streams and videos.
I want you to make a big impact on your live streams and voice is key…even though no one is talking about it!
The voice is essential to getting people to watch and to stay.
The voice is also key in growing your following, building connections with people and selling!
Yet, it’s the last thing we think of. Not my TV stars, they know how key voice is.
So, today, we are talking about messing up. I’ve got a really cool technique for you if you mess up and the great part is, if you do and you use it, your audience is actually going to love you more!
If you want to find out more about the Celebrity Voice Live Stream Course, just click here: